Chapter 19: Chase And Run

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Louis was driving his car at a high speed. People on the road were looking at his car strangely as he was driving in a very clumsy manner. His car was moving zigzag on the road. Suddenly he realized that he had forgotten to shut down his phone. Then he stops his car on the edge of the road and then he shuts down his phone.

When he shuts down his phone, he puts his phone back on the seat next to him. As he is about to start his car, suddenly a car stops in front of his car.

A cold shiver starts coming in his veins. He froze in his driving seat But then he gathered all his courage and started the engine of his car. He reverses the car and drives his car towards the market.
The car in the front starts chasing him.

Louis tried his best to get rid of that car but the car was still chasing him. He got stuck in an endless cycle where he was driving his car and didn't know where he should go.

Then suddenly Louis gripped the steering wheel firmly, his heart pounding as he darted in and out of traffic. The deafening screech of sirens starts to echo in his ears, reminding him of the encroaching presence behind him. Micheal and Joseph were relentless in their pursuit and were making their captures with each passing moment.

Looking in the rearview mirror, Louise saw Joseph and Michael's car in the distance. He had to avoid them and disappear into Hayden City Street. He turned sharply into a narrow lane, squeezing his car through. The metal crashed into the walls, causing a lot of damage.

The agents chased after him, the smell of burning rubber filling the air. They skillfully drove their cars in tight spaces, determined to catch him.

Louise's car suddenly ran out of the lane and onto the main road. As he drove past, pedestrians screamed and tried to stay safe. There was chaos with horns blaring and tires screeching.

Louise spotted a construction site ahead. He knew that taking a risk was his only chance to escape. The sound of helicopter blades added to his frustration. Time was running out, and he had to make a bold move.

At the last moment, Louise turned his car towards the construction site, breaking the fences and startling the workers. The agents chased him and narrowly avoided a conflict as they entered the site in a cloud of dust.

Louise skillfully drove his car through the construction equipment. Bulldozers, cranes, and scaffolding became his temporary supporters as he used them to distance himself from the pursuers. He quickly activated the onboard smoke generator, which released a thick blanket of white smoke.

The agents struggled as they encountered the sudden smoke. Joseph desperately tried to regain control and applied the brakes to avoid any dangers hidden by the smoke. Meanwhile, Michael had a different plan. He used his training and accelerated, trying to guess Louis's next moves.

Louise sensed the danger behind him and pushed his car to its limits. He drove through the construction site with incredible speed. The smoke began to disappear, and he saw an unfinished bridge up ahead, offering him a chance to escape.

Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he took a daring jump, flying through the air between the two unfinished bridges. The agents' cars stopped just before the edge of certain destruction. Joseph and Michael watched in disbelief as Louis's car safely landed on the other side, leaving them helpless.

Breathing heavily, Louis hurried to run away, knowing that he had only bought himself a short break. The chase would start again soon, with the agents hot on his path. But for now, he had outsmarted the FBI agents and proved himself as a tough opponent.

There was a profound silence in the car. Joseph and
Michael sat motionless in their seat. Abruptly a thought comes to Joseph's mind.

Michael, do you remember? We had placed a tracker on the Louis car," Joseph exclaimed.

Michel wasted no time and immediately took out his phone and then clicked on the tracker app on his phone. As he tracked Louis's location, he turned on his car's engine and drove his car towards the location.


Louis calms down a bit. He was driving his car very smoothly on the highway. He had already made plans to go to France. His friends who live in France have sent a helicopter for him. The platform on which the helicopter landed is now 15 miles away from his location.

But he was unaware that Michael and Joseph had found his location. Their car had come to the main road where Louis was driving his car. They begin searching for Louis on Main Street. Suddenly Joseph catches a glimpse of Louis on the street, he immediately informs Michael. Then Michaell increases the speed of the car.

While Louis was driving his car calmly, his calmness was destroyed when he heard the sound of police sirens from behind. As he continued down the empty highway, Louis felt hopeless and panicked. The flashing lights of the FBI car got closer in his mirror, coming out of the darkness like ghosts.

Adrenaline rushed through him, and Louis made a quick decision. He swerved his car onto an exit ramp, narrowly avoiding hitting a metal guardrail. He turned onto a deserted road, hoping to lose the agents.

The agents followed, their car moving towards Louis with precise movements. Sirens blared through the deserted streets, warning people of danger. Louis gripped the steering wheel tightly, trying to plan his escape from being captured.

Suddenly, an idea came to him. He saw a busy farmers' market up ahead. It was full of stalls, carts, and crowds of people. It was the perfect place to lose his chasers.

Without thinking, Louis made a sharp left turn towards the market. Chaos erupted as he made his way through the crowded crowd. People screamed in surprise, vendors tried to save their products, and fruits and vegetables fell to the ground. The agents followed close behind, determined to catch him.

Louis steered through the market, passing stalls and carts in an attempt to confuse the agents. The agents struggled to keep up, their cars narrowly avoiding crashes as they raced through the gaps. The air filled with screams, causing panic and confusion.

As Louis neared the edge of the market, he saw a chance. There was a narrow lane hidden among the chaos. He quickly turned the steering wheel and expertly manoeuvred through the tight spot.

The street was like a maze, with sharp turns and narrow passages. Louis sped up, the tyres screeching as he made his way through the narrow passage. For a moment, he forgot about the agents behind him and felt a glimmer of hope.

But just as he thought he had lost them, he heard the screeching sound of their engines again. Joseph and Michael were determined and wouldn't give up easily.

Louis's mind raced as he searched for an escape plan. Suddenly, he spotted a service door leading to a nearby building. Without thinking, he slammed on the brakes and pulled up in front of the door. He quickly got out of the car and entered the building.

The agents came to a sudden stop, their car doors slamming shut. They followed Louis on foot, their footsteps echoing through the empty hallways of the building. Louis's heart pounded as he ran through the corridors, trying to find a way to lose them.

Finally, not far from a dead end, Louis saw an old storage room. He went inside, quickly closing the door behind him. The agents arrived seconds later, pounding on the door in desperation. But Louis had found a momentary refuge.

Two minutes later, Michael and Joseph managed to break down the door. They entered the room where Louis stood. Michael grabbed Louis's wrists and put handcuffs on him.

To be continued......

That was the long chapter. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. If you did then don't forget to leave a vote on this chapter and share your opinion with me.

Have a great day ❤️

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