Chapter 11: A Hidden Crime

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He folded the note back and kept it in his jeans pocket. Then he started examining the dead body. Before him, A lifeless body lay sprawled on the floor, with an unsettling white liquid seeping from his lips. Michael's intrigue worsened as he observed the man's frozen expression and the peculiar bend in his left leg.

From the looks of the dead body, it looks like he is in his mid-30s.

"If he was dead from poison then why was his leg twisted?" he thought and stepped towards the couch. A hidden note beneath the couch catches his attention. He bent over to the couch to grab the note in his hand. As he took the note in his hand, he began to read.


I committed a crime and now I'm living in fear. My dog was killed, my cat is gone, and I'm constantly being threatened by someone who knows about my past. They keep calling me in the middle of the night, warning me about exposing the sins I've committed. But I wasn't alone in this - there were others involved in the crime on May 1, 2013. Some of them are already dead.

I feel like I'm being watched all the time, and the FBI agent investigating the murders believes the killer is targeting people alphabetically. But I know the truth - the victims were all involved in a car accident. Their names reveal the pattern, and I can't keep silent anymore. Georgia Holloway, Hadley Brown, Isaac Holloway, James Holloway, Kevin Johnson (me), and Louis Miller were all part of it.

I don't want to be the next victim. The killer is targeting those involved in the car accident on May 1, 2013. These may be my last words.


After reading the note, he could hear the fast pounding beat of his heart and chills ran into his veins. His mind was overflowed with numerous thoughts and queries.

The sound of a phone call snaps him out of his thoughts. He takes out his phone from his pocket and sees that Joseph's call is displaying on his phone. He picked up the call and took the phone to his ear.

"Hello, Joseph, did you check out the footage?" Michael says and starts eagerly waiting to know his reply.

"Yeah, I did. That's why I called you. I can't believe in my eyes what I just saw in the footage," Joseph gasps.

"What did you see? Micheal curiously asked and got up from the floor hastily. His eyes were full of inquisitiveness. Thousands of thoughts were coming around his mind.

"Please come here quickly," Joseph said and hung up the call.

Michael takes one last glance at the dead body and says, "Thanks for your help mate. You have helped me a lot."

Then he wasted no time and quickly walked out of the apartment and arrived at the elevator. When the doors of the elevator stretched out, he stepped inside and pressed the button for the first floor.

Within two minutes, the elevator door opens on the first floor. Michael steps out of the elevator and reaches the room where Joseph and the guards are already in. As Michael enters the room, Joseph walks towards him and opens his mouth to say, "Did you find anything in there?

"Yes. I have come to know a very important thing related to serial killers. But I'll tell you later," Michael said.

"Okay, then come with me," Joseph says.

Michael walked over to the monitor where the paused footage was displayed and took a seat beside Joseph.

Joseph hit play on the security footage.

In the video, a girl was walking towards the building. She was wearing a black hoodie, moving in a strange, robotic way. Joseph then fast-forwarding two minutes, the girl approached the CCTV camera, allowing her face to be seen clearly.

Joseph quickly paused the footage with a click of the mouse.

Michael's eyes widened in disbelief as he recognized the girl in the black hoodie.


Present time...

"So tell me, Anna. What were you doing in the SOC apartment building? Where the serial killer murders his next victim. Michael said firmly.

"I don't know. I don't know about anything. Please believe in me," she says in a trembling voice.

"But we can see it in this footage where you wore the black hoodie. He exclaimed.

Now she is unable to hold back her tears. Hot tears streamed down her face, and she closed her eyelids, hoping that the tears would stop. Her laboured breathing and watery eyes persisted for a long time, she sat there.

Then she breaks her silence and begins to speak, "Uncle, I suffer from sleepwalking. I remember waking up in my room and finding the door open, even though I always make sure to lock it with three locks. Later, my friend Jordan told me he saw me wandering the streets at night wearing a black hoodie. He called out to me, but I didn't respond. I don't know why or when I put on the hoodie, or how I ended up at the SOC apartment building."

Tears streamed down Anna's face as she spoke.

"Have you told your mother?" Michael gently asked.

"No, I don't want her to worry about me. Please, don't tell her about my sleepwalking," Anna pleaded as she wiped her tears.

"Even though you're not a serial killer, you must still cooperate with us. Please don't go anywhere for the next three days," Michael informed her before standing up from his chair.

"Okay," She replied in a shaking voice.

"Well, then you can go now,"

She got up from the chair and then she headed back to her home.

"I can't fully suspect her because she was not in the footage which was in front of the victim's apartment," Michael said to herself.


To Be Continued..............

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