Chapter 2: A strange box

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The weather was so beautiful today, yet her mind was still filled by the thoughts of that strange guy. It was driving her crazy. To clear her mind, she decided to take a walk around her neighbourhood.

As she stepped outside her house, her gaze automatically went into the sky. It was a perfect day, with bright sunshine and clear blue skies. Fluffy white clouds lazily drifted across the stretch, adding to the beautiful scene.

"Oh, wow. The sky looks so clear and bright," she murmured.

As she was walking on the road, she suddenly saw her neighbour, Mr Herry, casually walking alongside his dog. This caught her attention since he usually took his dog out in the evenings.

Then she greeted him, and she stepped towards him. "Hi, Mr. Herry! How are you today?" she asked with a bright smile on her face.

"I'm doing well, thank you. And how about you?" Mr. Herry replied, concern obvious in his eyes. "I couldn't help but notice the anxious expression on your face. Is everything alright?"

She sighed and said "I'm feeling a bit worried about something. So, I thought going for a walk might help clear my mind. I hope I'm not bothering you, but why are you taking your dog out for a walk at this time? I usually see you in the evenings."

Mr Herry took a step closer while his dog happily was doing his business. "Your question doesn't bother me at all. I'm feeling quite uncomfortable at home today, for some reason. So, I thought a walk with my dog might help ease my unease," he said.

Understanding his problem, she nodded sympathetically. "I can relate. Sometimes, being at home can feel uneasy. It's good that we have nature and walks like these to find comfort."

Their conversation continued for fifteen minutes, and they bid each other farewell. After talking to his neighbour, her mood becomes delighted. "Thank you for the chat. I feel much better now," she said.

"I feel the same way. Alright, you go first. I have to take care of my dog's business, as he's just finished his job," Mr Herry chuckled, making a cheerful atmosphere.

"Yes, your dog seems to be much more comfortable now," she chuckled in response.

With a final farewell, they each continued on their separate paths. As she continued walking, enjoying the pleasant day, she suddenly noticed a shadow behind her. As she turned around, she came across the stare of a mysterious boy.

The boy had striking grey eyes, his golden hair flowing in the wind as an enigmatic smile graced his face.

"Hey Anna, do you remember me?" he questioned, sending a shiver down her spine.

Taken aback, she gathered her courage and replied, "What? How could I possibly know you?"

His grin widened, and he said, "Try to remember that day."

A few days ago...

Anna found herself alone, walking along the banks of the nearby lake. Her friends were on vacation and her family and she couldn't travel due to her father's business trip, so she felt very lonely.

"Why does it always happen to me? Why am I the only one unable to go on a trip? It's just not fair!" she exclaimed in frustration, kicking a stone into the lake.

To her surprise, a shining object caught her attention. Fascinated, she approached it and discovered a beautiful box.

"Oh, what a beautiful box," Anna remarked, momentarily captivated by its allure.

As she reached out to pick it up, a blinding light burst forth from the box, causing her heart to skip a beat. Startled, she dropped the box and it fell to the ground.

"What is happening?" she muttered, staring at the darkening sky above. The once bright day had turned ominous, with stormy clouds swirling overhead.

Out of nowhere, a boy appeared in the sky, hovering above her. Slowly, he descended until he stood before her on solid ground.

At first glance, he appeared like an ordinary teenager, with brown eyes and blonde hair. However, his face was obscured by a mask, leaving his true identity hidden.

He fixed his gaze on Anna and calmly questioned, "Why did you drop that box?"

Confused and frightened, she stammered, "What do you mean? What just happened? I don't understand."

The boy replied, "The box you touched is the fabled Box of Wishes. It has the power to grant any desire your heart desires. I have come to see who has come in contact with this extraordinary box."

"Are you joking? This can't be true," she responded firmly, struggling to understand the situation.

"It is true, indeed. The box can fulfil any wish, but one thing you have to do first. For every wish you make, the box demands a sacrifice. It requires the soul of a human being," he explained, a mischievous smile appearing on his lips.

Disgusted, Anna said, "If that's the case, I want nothing to do with this box!"

"Ah, how disappointing. I had hoped to witness how you would give in to your desires and sacrifice others for your gain," he remarked, a maniacal gleam in his eyes.

Suddenly, everything began to blur and fade before her eyes, until she woke up with a start. Her heart was racing, and she sat up in bed, struggling to process what had just occurred.

Glancing at the wall clock, she found it was already 7:30 in the morning. Determined to shake off the unsettling dream, she walked over to the window, seeking comfort in the outside world.

"So, it was all just a dream. None of it was real," she whispered to herself.

Returning to the present...

"Now, do you remember?" the boy asked, his voice full of mystery.

"But it was all just a dream. You can't possibly exist," Anna responded, pinching herself to ensure she wasn't still trapped in her nightmare.

"This is no dream. It is all real," the boy chuckled, clearly enjoying her confusion.

"If it's not a dream, then why do I remember everything? You said you would erase all the memories associated with the box," she exclaimed, her voice increasing in panic.

The boy calmly stated, "It was you who asked me to restore those memories."

Stunned, she gasped, "What? How is that even possible?"

"Indeed, you approached me in a black hoodie and mask, just as you did the first time we encountered the box," he explained with a hint of amusement.

"But that couldn't have been me," she insisted, her fear intensifying. With that, she sprinted back home as fast as her legs could carry her. Once inside, she quickly locked all the doors, seeking shelter in her room. Trembling, she sat on her bed, her mind racing with numerous thoughts.

"If it wasn't me, who approached him? Who could it have been?" she questioned, her mind spinning with many thoughts.

To be continued............

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