Chapter 20: Anna Fell In Danger

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In a dark room, the room was lit up by a tube light in the centre of the room. Louis was sitting in a chair, with thick yarn wrapped around him. He was shouting to open it.

Michael is watching him from the door, he walks towards him and sits down in the chair opposite Louis. He gets so annoyed by his screams that he starts yelling at him to stop.

"Hey, tell me. Why are you killing your own family?" Michael says.

Louis calms down and starts looking at him with his wide-open eyes. "How can you say that? Do you have any evidence against me?"

"When we first arrived at your house, I saw a letter under your couch. I didn't respond immediately at that time because I didn't want you to doubt me. But unfortunately, I was not able to get that letter. And the second time, when we came to your mansion, I again saw the letter under your couch. At that moment, you were not there. Then took out the letter from under the couch.

"I must say that you have tried your best to prove yourself innocent before us. But you will not be able to hide the next letter you are going to send us."

"And when we read that letter, our suspicions became conclusive. Then after returning from your mansion, Joseph received a call from the watchmen of the apartment where we found the body of our latest victim. He told him that an old woman wanted to Talk to Joseph".

Joseph goes there and says, "The old lady told me that she saw you in the middle of the night. And there is one more thing that she saw that you were chasing Anna".

"I guess there's no point in arguing with you. You won't believe what I'm about to say. Am I right?" Louis says.

"Yeah, you're right. But still, we want to know the truth. Why are you using an innocent girl in your devious plan?" Michael says.

Oh, she is an innocent girl. Okay, I will believe you. Louis smiled.

"Just stop your nonsense and tell us the truth, you blaster!!! says Joseph and slams his hands on the table in front of Louis.

Suddenly Michael's phone starts ringing in his coat pocket. He takes out the phone and swipes it to answer. "Hello, Roger. What's the matter?

From the other end of the phone, "Michael, I did as you told me to keep an eye on Anna for her safety. But then suddenly I heard a strange sound coming from Anna's house. When I looked at Anna When I went there to check, I saw Anna lying on the floor. Her uncle and aunt had done something to her. Then I quickly took them into my custody and took Anna to the SEO hospital. You were immediately taken to Seo Hospital. Have to come and the room number is 34.

Michael put his phone back in his pocket and stared at Louis, his nostrils flaring.

"What did you do to Anna and how? Tell me!!!"

"Michael, how can I do anything? I'm tied up by a thick rope in front of you." Louis smiled maliciously.

"Did something happen to Anna?" Joseph asks.

"Anna has been found in a very bad condition. I have to go. Micheal says.

OK, Michael, I'll take over here. Joseph says.

Then Michael grabbed his car keys from the table and ran out of the room. Outside, the wind was cold on his neck and fingers. he ran to the car and climbed inside. As he pulled out of the drive, his grip on the steering wheel was sticky and weak.

A few minutes later, he reached SEO Hospital. He parked his car at an empty place. Then he left his car there and went straight to the hospital. He asks the receptionist to tell him where room number 34 is. He then directed her to go to the second floor.

Michael thanked her and walked towards the elevator ahead of her. He entered the elevator and quickly pressed the second-floor button. When the elevator arrives at the second floor, he walks out of the elevator and starts to find room number 34. When he finds the room, he goes inside. When he reached there, he saw that Anna was lying on the bed in a very serious condition and Roger was also standing near her.

"What happened to Anna?"

Roger looks at him and says, "Her uncle and aunt did this to him".

But why?

Even I don't know. Roger says.

Then Anna slowly opened her eyes and looked at Michael and started crying. Michael moved towards her and gently stroked her head.

"Why did they do this to me? They're like my real parents. Michael, they were...

Michael stops Anna mid-sentence and says, "Don't stress, Anna. Your brain needs rest. Please go to sleep."

Then she wiped away her tears and lay back on the bed.

"Roger, I'm going to interrogate them. Where are they?"

"They're at our head office.

OK, Roger, please stay here. She won't be safe here alone.

OK, no problem.

You had drugged her???

Anna's uncle and aunt were sitting stiffly on their chairs. Her aunt was shaking with fear. "I don't mean to drug her. I swear to God. I didn't mean to." Anna's aunt says in a trembling voice as tears begin to roll out from her eyes. She puts her hands over her face to hide her tears.

"After committing such a big crime, you are saying that you were not doing it intentionally. Tell me why did you do this?" Micheal fiercely says.

Anna's uncle looks at her and says, "The company I'm working in, Louis is the head in charge of the department I'm working under. He forces us to drug Anna. He said If we didn't give Anna the medicine, he would fire me. And he wouldn't even let me work in any company. He used to keep an eye on me whether I was doing the work he asked me to do," Anna's uncle says.

"How long have you been doing this? And what have you both given her?" Michael asks.

"We've been doing all this for 2 months. Louis was giving us a special drug that triggers sleepwalking. That's all he told us," Anna's uncle says.

Michael darted at Anna's aunt and said angrily, "I never thought you would do this,"

Then he went out of the room and took out his phone to call Joseph. All of a sudden a message comes up on the screen. The message comes from Louis's number, he clicks on the message and starts reading.

To be continued.........

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Now only one chapter is left to complete this book.

Have a wonderful day ❤️

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