Chapter 6: sleepwalking

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Anna was sitting on her bed and countless thoughts were going through her mind again and again.

“Why do bizarre things start happening to me? I remember the days when I was eight years old. I don't remember anything before my eighth birthday. So, one day, I asked my mother about it. Then he told me that on the day of my eighth birthday, I had a huge accident with a car. Because of the accident, I lost all my memory even before my eighth birthday. So I don't remember anything," she sighed.

“But still, I am curious to know what events had happened to me before my eighth birthday,” she says to herself and then she gets up from the bed and walks towards her study table, taking the chair from the table for herself. Pulled it towards her and sat on it.

A Few Hours Later...........

"Ah! Finally, I have finished my homework." She said and stretched her body on the chair. Then suddenly a groan came from her stomach.

"Let's see what mom made for dinner," she said.

Then she stood up from the chair and started climbing down the stairs to reach the dining room. As soon as she arrived at the dining room, she saw her mother who was arranging plates on the dining table and her father sitting at the dining table.

"Mom! What did you make for dinner?" She says delightful.

Her mother looked at her and said, "Oh, Anna! I was just going to call you for dinner. I have made curry."

Then Anna took out a chair from the dining table and sat on it. Her father looked at her and said, "Anna, how are you now?"

Anna replied, "I feel much better now."

“Anna, did you take your medicine on time?” her father asked.

“Yes! I took my medicine on time.” Anna says nervously.

Anna was lying to her father. He did not take any medicine for three weeks.

Just then his mother came out of the kitchen carrying a big pot of curry and placed it on the dining table. His mother took out a chair from the dining table and sat on it.

“Wow, the curry looks delicious,” says Anna.

Half An Hour Later.......

When Anna finished her meal, she got up from the dining table and put the dishes in the sink. Then she looks at her parents and says, "Mom and Dad, I'm going to sleep now. Good night,"

"Good night dear, sleep well and don't forget to take your night medicine," her mother says and smiles.

"Yes, he is right. Don't forget to take your medicine and good night, my princess." says her father.

"Okay, I won't forget," Anna says and then she walks out of the dining room. And when she came out of the dining room she suddenly heard her parents talking, which she found quite strange.

"Darling, do you also think that Anna's illness has returned?" Her mother said to Anna's father.

“I'm not sure but yes I thought so too!” his father replied.

Should we tell him the reason for his illness? His mother said softly.

No, we can't tell Anna yet. I don't know how she will react to this. She may be upset. His father said in a slightly louder voice.

Anna thinks to herself, "Should I go and ask them what they're talking about?"

She again starts listening attentively to their conversation but suddenly she starts getting a headache. “I will ask him about this tomorrow.

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