Chapter 18: Who Is The Real Criminal?

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A dazzling ray of sunlight was coming out of the open window. And the curtains of the window were hovering in the air.

Louis was sleeping on the couch. One of his hands was close to touching the ground and held a TV remote in his other hand.

The TV on his front was still open. At that time, an advertisement was displayed.

Suddenly a loud bang sound starts coming from the main door. This shattered Louis's sleep. He quickly gets off the couch takes a walk towards the main door and opens the door.

When he opens the door, he sees one of his housemaids standing at the entrance. He rubs his eyes and says "Why did you come earlier?

His housemaid gets confused and says "But sir, I had not come before.

Louis then raises one hand towards him and sees time on his hand clock. His watch was on display at 11:00 am. As he watches time, his eyes widen. He looks at her and says "Has the FBI come here?

Yes, sir, that's why I came here to inform you. His housemaid replied.

OK then. Tell them to come to the lobby and wait for me. I'm coming in a little bit. Louis said and then went towards his room.

Then her housemaid walks towards the garden. In the garden, Michael and Joseph were waiting for the housemaid to return.

When Michael looks back at the entrance, he sees that the housemaid is coming towards them. He then walks towards her and says "Is Louis in the mansion?

Yes sir. Louis Sir has told me to take both of you to the lobby and wait for him. The housemaid said.

But you told us that he is in the mansion. Joseph says and rolls his eyes.

I meant that he went to the bathroom to freshen up because he had just woken up. The housemaid says.

Okay. Joseph let's go inside. Michael said that then, Joseph nodded and they both stepped inside the mansion with the housemaid.

Ten minutes later...

Both Micheal and Joseph had already finished their cup of coffee.
The housemaid walks towards them and asks if they need anything else but they refuse.

Then suddenly Louis started moving downstairs towards the lobby. When he arrived, they both looked at him very calmly.
Michael smiles at him and says "I heard you were sleeping. Sorry to disturb your sleep. But we have to tell you immediately.

By Louis's facial expressions, he seemed so obnoxious to see them. But then he tries to smile a little and says "No problem. I waited for both of you all night. Let's sit down and talk about it.

Louis sits on the couch and Michael also sits next to Joseph in front of him. After that, Joseph looks at Louis and then opens his mouth to say but Micheal puts his hand over Joseph's hand to stop him.

Louis gets a little confused by this but suddenly he feels an unbearable headache. He then calls his housemaid and asks her to bring a cup of strong black coffee.

Did you both want some coffee? Louis asks.

No, we have already drunk coffee. Michael replied.

Suddenly Louis's phone started buzzing. He then grabs his phone from next to him and says "I'm coming in a little bit. He tells them and goes out of the mansion.

When he comes out of the mansion, he swipes the upcoming call and puts it on his ear.

Why did you call me?? Louis tells the person on the call.

Sir, I have already completed the work you asked me for. But you didn't transfer money. The person on the phone says.

I have already given you money many times. Now I am not going to give you more money. Bye. Louis says and hangs up the phone.

He then goes back inside the mansion.

So, who is the culprit?? Louis says and sits on the couch. He was eagerly staring at them.

The serial killer is very clever. He is manipulating someone to kill people. But now he cannot hide from us. Michael says.

Louis takes his coffee cup from the table and starts drinking. He tries his best to show them not to bother about anything.

Micheal continues "So, the serial killer is in this mansion "

Louis stopped drinking coffee, he stared at them. Now he may not be able to control his facial expressions.

Umm, are you kidding me? Louis says nervously.

Oh please stop pretending to be innocent. We know that you are all behind the murder. Joseph says angered.

Who told you this? Louis says

Do you remember a girl named Anna? Michael asks.

Then Louis casually says "I know him. His family died in an accident caused by our employee.

Okay, so you also know his uncle and aunt. Mitchell says.

Louis's eyebrows were drawn together in anxiety. Drops of sweat started flowing from his forehead.

Why are you asking me such questions??? I am not a serial killer. Louis angrily says and jumps off the couch.

Suddenly all the lights of the mansion went off. No one can able to see anything. Micheal starts shouting Louis's name angrily.
They started wandering in the dark. As Joseph was about to open a flashlight on his phone, all the mansion lights turned on.

Where is Louis? Micheal says

Then Joseph ran towards the main door. He tried to open the door but the door was closed.

Michelle, the door is closed. Joseph shouted. Michael then ran towards the door and they both started breaking the door together. After a few minutes, the door finally broke. They both immediately run outside the mansion.

" Joseph calls Milan and asks her to track Louis's phone ". Micheal opens and opens the car door. They both sit inside the car. Then Joseph started dialling Milan's phone number in his phone.

After talking to Milan, Joseph hangs up the call and looks at Michael and says "Milan has sent Louis's place. She tells me that he is currently on the nearest highway.

Then Michael quickly started the car engine and started driving his car towards the highway.

To be continued........

What do you think, Louis is involved with the serial killer?

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Have a wonderful day ❤️

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