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He went out of the room and took out his phone to call Joseph. All of a sudden a message comes up on the screen. The message comes from Louis's number, he clicks on the message and starts reading.


Hi, Micheal,

I know that you badly waiting to know the truth behind my plan. So, brace yourself for a thrilling story that will send shivers down your spine. I'm about to reveal the complicated truth behind my plan.

In the past, I was adopted by a kind man who was Georgia Hallway's husband. Her late husband, a very nice man, welcomed me into his home and provided shelter from the harsh realities of my past. But after his death, Georgia and her three sons, whom I considered my brothers, became cruel bullies and treated me like an outsider in their home and influential company. Despite being the head of the sales department, I was forced to follow her every command, becoming a pawn in her selfish game.

Then the desire for revenge started growing inside me. I spent three years plotting her downfall, carefully devising a plan that would make her realize the darkness she had brought upon me. One day, I heard the news of a tragedy - a journalist and his family died in a car accident involving an employee of our company. At that time I did not know that the journalist's youngest daughter had miraculously survived. She suffered from sleepwalking and was placed in the care of her father's friend and his wife.

That's when my grand plan started taking form. I blackmailed that young girl's uncle and aunt and used them to take my revenge. A childhood friend who was a pharmacist and pharmaceutical scientist helped me obtain two special medications that would manipulate the girl's sleepwalking and produce vivid hallucinations. And my friend has also created a wonderful poison which he gave to me. If that poison goes inside a human body, then no one will be able to know that that person has died due to poison. But sometimes a person is unable to work.

I was patiently waiting for the moment when the girl would begin to experience the effects of the drugs. I lived near her and watched her closely. She took the medicine, unaware of its real purpose. But things did not go smoothly. Her aunt suspected that she was not taking her medicines, so I suggested her aunt mix the drugs in her food or drink to ensure that she could not escape their impact.

Finally, the day came when she had hallucinations for the first time. Hiding in the shadows, I saw that she was scared as if something invisible was chasing her. It was a joy to see my plan come to actuality, even though no one except me knew what was going on.

Ah, but there's one thing I haven't mentioned - a secret diary of the girl's older sister. It contained disturbing information which caused the girl to experience sleep paralysis and increased her suffering.

Now, let's look at the complex details of my plan. Whenever the time came to eliminate any other member of my family, I would have the girl's aunt and uncle secretly mix drugs in her food. In a few hours, she would wake up wearing a black hoodie I had instructed them to provide. By taking him to the chosen place, I will carry out my plan with accuracy.

If I had poisoned my target earlier, I would have counted on Anna's unknowing participation to ensure his death. If the poison does not work as expected, I will manipulate Anna's fragile psyche and order her to commit a terrible act. It was not possible to order the exact poison from a distance without attracting attention, so I used Anna as the means of my death. Once her task is complete her multiple personalities will drive her into unconsciousness.

You're probably wondering about the mysterious caller who originally alerted you to my actions. It was a persistent crime reporter who exposed the connection between Anna and my evil acts. Sadly, before you could meet this reporter, Anna did my bidding and removed him. There is no evidence left of my involvement, except a manipulated video clip designed to divert suspicion towards Anna.

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