Part 2

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Steve tapped his foot impatiently on the ground. It was the last day of school before March break, and he was  waiting for the bell to ring, signifying the end of the day. Finally, the bell rang and he jumped up, grabbing his bag and sprinting out of the classroom without a second glance. He joined the mob of kids in the hallway, eventually making it out the door. He practically ran to Eddie's van, where His boyfriend was already waiting for him, a goofy grin on his face. They got in the car, and Steve was practically hovering in his seat. "I've known you since we were 10, and I've never Seen you this excited." Eddie chuckled. "Road trip!" Steve yelled, throwing his hands in the air. Eddie just smiled, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot. They'd been planning this trip since Eddie got his license, but Steve's family always went on vacation last minute, so this was the first year they could set their plan in motion.

"We've got everything we need?" "Yes Stevie." "Snacks?" "Check." "Polaroid camera?" "Check." "Map?" "Check. We have everything babe, just sit back and enjoy the ride." Eddie turned the radio up, and Steve opened his window. It was a warm day, with a clear sky. The trees had just started to bloom, and everything seemed so green and bright. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith started playing on the radio, and he gasped. "It's our song!" Eddie turned it up, blush covering his cheeks as he remembered the first time they had danced to this song together. It was grade eight prom, and Steve had pulled him onto the dance floor.

"And I just want to stay with you in this moment forever..." he started to sing.

"Forever and ever..." Steve joined him.

"I don't want to close my eyes."

"I don't want to fall asleep."

"Cause I'd miss you babe,"

"And I don't want to miss a thing!" They sang the last part together, Eddie looking at Steve for a moment. They were both grinning ear to ear, and
Eddie rested his hand on Steve's knee. They drove for two hours, singing to the radio and playing an intense game of eye spy. They stayed at a little motel that night, then got back on the road. They stopped at a few roadside attractions the next day, and Steve took as many pictures as he could. On the third day of their trip, they started driving early in the morning, and arrived at their final destination around noon. The beach.

Driving to the beach was usually a one day drive at tops, but they went the long way, milking their time together for all it was worth. They got out of the car and carried their blankets and snacks and found a nice little spot with a little shade. They set everything up, and everything was going fine, until Eddie suggested they go for a swim.

Steve had brought swim trunks and a t-shirt, but for some reason, his heart still raced, and a bead of sweat rolled down his neck. Eddie noticed, and squeezed his hand. "You don't have to if you don't want to, we can just stay on the beach and make sand castles." Eddie furrowed his brow. "No, it's ok. Just over thinking." He tried to shake his anxiety as they waded into the water. Eddie held his hand the whole time. Once they got up to their waist, Eddie let go of his hand to dunk his head. When he came back up, he ran both hands through his damp hair. He wasn't wearing a shirt, of course, and Steve blushed a crimson red. His eyes wondered down his lover's toned muscles, his tattoos, his abs, the little trail of hair that started at his belly button and disappeared into his swim trunks, then down to places he knew he shouldn't be looking...

"Enjoying the veiw?" Eddie jolted him from his dirty thoughts, with one eyebrow raised. "S-sorry!" Steve blushed even harder at getting caught. He scratched the back of his neck, looking away. Eddie just chuckled, grinning mischievously. He splashed Steve and laughed. "Rude!" Steve gasped, splashing him back.

A while later, they were laying on their towels. "Hey Ed's?" "Ya?" The long-haird boy took his Airpods out of his ears and They rolled over to face eachother. "Do you think, if I hadn't come out, things would be different?" They intertwined their hands. "Maybe. But, you don't regret it, right?" Eddie furrowed his brow. "No, I just wish things had gone a little differently, with my mom and all." He sighed, turning back over to look at the birds flying overhead. Eddie looked at the sky too, resting his head on one hand and the other hand resting on his stomach. "But if it hadn't gone the way it did, i don't think we'd be as close as we are now, if you know what I mean." The metalhead whispered. "Ya, I guess your right. As long as I have you, I've got everything I need." Steve stuffed his hands in his pockets "You, This, us, it's more than enough for me." Eddie sighed happily, shutting his eyes.

It took them another two days to drive home, and neither of them could remember when they'd had a better March break.

If anyone wants to draw the scene on the beach, that would make my day. (I would make it the cover of the book)

Have a good day :)

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