Part 9: Day 5

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"Can't you tell me where we're going?" Steve crossed his arms.
"That would ruin the surprise!" Eddie grumbled, turning the radio down a little bit. Steve just rolled his eyes.
A few minutes later, they pulled into a parking lot, in front of what looked like some kind of horse stable.
"Is this... what I think it is?" Steve's eyes widened. Eddie nodded.
"We're going horseback riding?!" Steve practically jumped out of the car.
"Baby wait!" Eddie jumped out after him, laughing.

After they paid, a young stablehand led them to a small pen, where two horses were tied up. A black stallion and a little brown mare. Steve approached the horses, a giddy smile on his face. As a child, he had taken horseback riding lessons for a while, and even after he grew out of it, he always had a soft spot for the gentle giants. He scratched the brown ones forehead, giggling when her ears went back and she whinnied softly. Eddie watched his lover with admiration. If they were in a cartoon, he would have had heart eyes.

They mounted the horses, and the stablehand untied them. Steve clicked his tongue, and the little brown horse began to walk. Eddie attempted to do the same, but his horse stayed put, snorting. He tried again, the horse stomped his foot, flicking his tail. Steve turned his horse around and stood beside them, giggling a little.
"You have to be more firm, give him a little kick," Eddie did as instructed, but the stallion had other ideas, bucking with frustration. Eddie tumbled off the horse, cursing. Once he was on his feet, Steve began to laugh at him, and the long haired boy huffed, glaring at the horse.


He eventually got the hang of it, and the two rode the trail together, laughing only getting lost a little bit. By the time they got back, the sun was starting to set, and they were both pretty worn out. Steve brought both horses to their stalls, untacking them and brushing them both out, while Eddie stood back and watched him work, a small smile on his lips. They held hands as they walked back to Eddie's van.
"You know I love you right?" The metal-head squeezed the other boy's hand.
"I love you too Eddie, but I think you're going soft on me" he teased, shoving him playfully.
"Yea, maybe..." he tailed off, a strange look in his eye. He quickly snapped out of it though, as they got into the van.

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