Part 14: Day 13

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*smut (silly boys 🤭)(sorry if it's terrible)

Steve woke the next morning to sun shining in through the window, and an arm draped over his bare waist. He groaned, burying his face under the blankets.

"Morning sunshine," Eddie chuckled, rubbing his lower back affectionately. Steve hummed, peeking his head out of the covers to look up at him. Eddie moved his hand to cup Steve's cheek delicately, pulling their faces closer together. They hovered close together for a second, their lips barely grazing each other, before they pressed together, sharing a slow, deep kiss. Eddie put his hand back on Steve's waist, squeezing gently as he felt his lover shift a little bit, tugging on Eddie's bottom lip with his teeth.

They made out for a couple of minutes, Eddie's hand traveling to cup Steve's ass cheek, pulling the other boy's leg over his waist. Steve could feel Eddie's hardon nestled between his legs, and his cheeks turned pink. They were still naked from the night before (wink wink), and he could already feel a bit of arousal drip down his leg.

"Mmm, Eds..." he pulled away for a second, and Eddie nipped and kissed his jaw.

"Yea?" Eddie stopped his attack on Steve's jaw to meet his eyes. Steve said nothing, just flashed his bedroom eyes, fluttering his eyelashes, and biting his lip. Eddie smiled, kissing him softly. How could he say no to that face?

"Can I go down on you?" Eddie asked, looking hopeful.

"You don't have to ask, dufus," Steve giggled, swatting at his chest. Eddie wasted no time, ducking under the covers. He licked a strip of his lover's folds, humming with delight. Steve shivered with anticipation, his eyes fluttering shut. Suddenly, Eddie paused, momentarily dazed.

"When did this happen?" He observed Steve's bottom growth, which had seemingly doubled in size overnight.

"Oh that, that's just something T does," Steve assured him, blushing with embarrassment. Eddie shrugged, ducking back down. He began to suck the swollen bud, and Steve threw his head back, letting out a choked moan at the sudden stimulation. Eddie took advantage of this new-found power, bobbing his head a little as he sucked off his lover, who was now a whining moaning mess.

"Fuck~" Steve bit his lip, his hand tangling in Eddie's hair. Eddie gave his bottom growth a break, licking a fat strip of his boyfriend's wet heat, humming with delight. If he had the choice, he would never leave from in between his lover's thighs, but Steve was getting impatient, and he popped back up, kissing Steve softly so he could taste himself.

"Hello handsome," Steve giggled, and they kissed lightly.
He wiggled his eyebrows, and Eddie giggled.
"Shall we continue?" Eddie asked, grinning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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