Part 8: Day 4

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Their summer break had started June 20th, and they would both leave for school on September 9th. Three days had already gone by, which meant Steve and Eddie had exactly 78 days left together. And they were determined to make the most of it.

After the walk in the woods, the two had gone back to Eddie's trailer and had make-up sex, then they'd spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch and watching horror movies. Steve woke up the next morning on the couch, groaning and stretching his muscles. He'd forgotten to take off his binder before falling asleep, and his ribs ached. Even though they'd made up, things were still a little awkward, and Steve hadn't moved back into their bedroom yet.

"Morning sleepy head." Eddie opened the fridge, grabbing a jug of orange juice. Steve just groaned, dropping his face back into his pillow.

"Don't forget your doctor's appointment today, at 12" Eddie shut the fridge, taking a sip straight from
The bottle. Steve perked up, his face breaking into a grin. Today was his consolation to hopefully start testosterone; He'd been waiting for this day for a whole month now.
Eddie chuckled, chugging the rest of the bottle and chucking it into the recycling bin. Steve rolled off the couch, thumping as he hit the floor with a huff. He stood, stretching again and yawning. He shuffled to the kitchen, pecking his boyfriend on the cheek and opening the fridge.
"I've gotta meet up with the guys, I'll pick you up after your appointment," Eddie playfully tapped Steve's ass, making the poor boy turn red.
"Love you," Steve blew him a kiss, and Eddie pretended to catch it, giggling a little as he grabbed his sunglasses and skipped out the door. Steve sighed, scanning the contents of the refrigerator. Ketchup, beer, a rotten cucumber, and leftover pizza. Delightful. His head was pounding a little now, and he decided breakfast could wait till later.

A few hours later, he was on the couch scrolling on his phone when he heard a car honk outside. Robin was here to drive him to his appointment. He sat up, scratching the back of his neck before standing and tucking his phone in his pocket, adjusting his hair.

He practically ran out for the door, and leapt into the car.
"Hey Rob," he grinned, clicking his seatbelt into place.
"Morning," his best friend greeted him.
"Thanks for driving me even though you don't have a license" he chuckled.
"No problem, I was planning on wrecking my dads car anyway, might as well make it worthwhile." she teased,
Shrugging. Steve beamed from ear to ear, practically buzzing with excitement. Robin drove forward, running over a lawn chair, cursing. Steve's eyes widened, and he swallowed audibly.
"Can you at least wait until I'm out of the car before you obliterate it?" He teased.
"Maybe." She smirked, driving out of the trailer park.


Steve walked out of his appointment feeling like a giant weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He felt like he was on cloud nine, strutting down the hall of the trans health doctors building, not as bothered by the sterile white walls and scent of cleaning wipes as he was when he first got there. He left the building, shielding his eyes from the bright sun. He scanned the parking lot, spotting his boyfriend's ancient van pulling up. Eddie rolled down the passenger window and checked Steve out, wolf whistling.
"Hey cutie," he teased, clicking his tongue. Steve blushed, opening the passenger door.
"How'd it go?" Eddie put his serious face back on.
Steve wiggled in his seat, unable to hold his excitement any more.
"She said I can start T next week, and I'm gonna start filling out forms for top surgery soon!" He exclaimed, his eyes wide with giddy joy.
"Oh my god! That's so exciting!" Eddie beamed too, embracing Steve in his arms as they hugged.
"I'm so proud of you baby," he kissed the top of Steve's head, smiling contently.


When they got home, Eddie entered first, and when Steve got into the trailer, the lights were off.
"What's going on?" He flicked the lights on, and a crowd of people jumped up, yelling surprise. He practically jumped out his skin, laughing it off. Robin, Frankie, Oliver, Simon and a couple other friends for school were gathered in the tiny trailer, all wearing party hats.
"It's not my birthday guys..." Steve furrowed his brow.
"We know," Eddie giggled, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend's waist. Robin showed him a cake that said 'congrats on your man juice" with a lit candle in it. Tears pooled in the boy's eyes as he blew out the candle, and everyone cheered.
"Thank you so much guys," he whispered, looking at his boyfriend, who was grinning ear to ear.

They all had a slice of cake, before a couple people had to go home. Steve thanked them for coming as they left, eating a second slice of cake. Finally, it was just Steve, Eddie, Frankie and Robin. They sat around the TV, watching stupid rom coms and eating pizza and cake Until late into the evening, when Frankie had to go home, and Robin fell asleep.

"Thank you, for this." Steve whispered to his boyfriend, kissing him softly.
"Anything for my little prince." Eddie cupped his face, deepening the kiss. Even if their love had an expiration date, at least they had one amazing summer to look forward to.

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