Part 10: Day 6

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*smut (sry if it's bad)

Steve officially moved back into he and Eddie's room, and it felt good to fall asleep in his lover's arms again.
He woke to the shrill sound of his phone ringing. He groaned, squinting at his alarm clock. 11:02am. He picked up the phone, not checking who it was.
"Hello?" He asked, clearly annoyed.
"Sand? Is that you?" Steve's eyes widened, and he froze.
"Mom?" He squeaked. "How did you get my number?" He cleared his throat. He'd changed his number after his mom disowned him, and the only way she would have got it is if someone gave it to her.
"Simon gave it to me," she admitted. That bastard. There was a pause, and he was about to hang up, when she spoke again.
"Please... don't hang up. I miss you... please come home Sandy, I miss my little gir-" he hung up the phone. Nope, not today. He gritted his teeth. He dialed Simon, but got no answer. He was in shock, just sitting in bed, his hands shaking. He was in just boxers and his binder, but suddenly he felt like he was way too hot. He swung his legs over the bed, sitting up and putting his head in his hands.
"What's wrong Baby?" Eddie mumbled, his voice gargled and thick with sleep.
"Nothing, go back to sleep love" he sighed.
"Ok." Eddie put his head back down with no argument, and Steve was grateful. He needed a moment in his own head. He stood, the floor cold on his bare feet as he walked through the trailer, running his hand along the wall. He entered the living room. Wayne was asleep on the couch; He must have just got back from a night shift. Wayne had been nothing but exceptional, treating Steve like his own son, something Steve would be forever grateful for.

Steve stood in the kitchen for a moment, taking a deep breath. He was ok. He had to remember that. He walked back into the living room, pulling the blanket up a little higher on Wayne, whispering a small thank you as he stood back up. He ran a hand through his hair, picking up a few pieces of trash off the floor and tossing them into the wire trash can. That's when he saw it; peeking out from under a stack of books was a small photo album. He tugged it out, standing and scanning through the pages. It was full of pictures of Eddie and Steve, starting the summer they got together, all the way to the second last page, where the Polaroid from camp was hastily taped on. It felt symbolic, that it was almost the last page. Almost the end of forever.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Eddie clearing his throat. The metal-head was leaning against the kitchen doorway; his hair messy and his shirt hanging off his shoulder. He looked picturesque, almost...angelic.
"Whatcha got there?" He smirked, admiring Steve's almost unclothed figure.
"Just a photo album," the other boy smiled warmly, shutting the book.
"Do you wanna do something fun today?" Steve grinned, putting the book down.
"What were you thinking?" Eddie raised an eyebrow, a cheeky grin on his face. Steve chuckled, wrapping his arms around his lover's neck and leaning close to him.
"I don't know, I was hoping you would help me figure that out," he whispered, and Eddie's face turned pink.
"Hm, that's tough," Eddie pretended to ponder for a moment.
"What about..." he trailed off, pressing his lips against Steve's. Steve smiled against his lover's lips, giggling a little. He deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring the inside of Eddie's mouth. Eddie groaned, his hands traveling to cup Steve's ass, hoisting him up, and Steve wrapped his legs around his waist. They made out for a few minutes, before Eddie carried Steve to their bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

Steve giggled again, opening his arms as Eddie crawled on top of him, kissing his neck and shoulders.
"Your uncle is going to wake up soon," Steve reminded him in a hushed tone.
"Ok, and?" The long haired boy smirked, using his knee to rub against Steve's heat, making the boy under him shudder.
"Eddie..." he whimpered a little, and his cheeks turned red. Eddie loved seeing his boyfriend like this, a whimpering mess under him. He loved how one movement could turn the normally confident and controlled Steve, into a begging, whiny mess. Eddie's hands trailed down his sides, stopping to rest at his hips.
"We can stop if you want to," he went serious for a moment.
"No! I mean... he probably won't wake up, one quickie can't hurt..." Steve trailed off, fluttering his eyelashes.
Eddie chuckled again, his hands suddenly pinning Steve's wrists against his head.
"If you say so sweetheart," he winked, kissing his jaw.

Steve let his head fall back, giving Eddie access to his throat and collar bones as he left kisses and love bites. Steve let out a little squeak when Eddie hit his sweet spot, and the long haired boy noticed, sucking a hickey onto that spot, making Steve gasp and squirm.
"So handsome, perfect," Eddie mumbled, grinding his hips a little, and Steve could feel him growing hard against his thigh. That's when Steve decided to get a little playful, using all his strength to flip them over, straddling Eddie and grinding on him. Eddie gasped in surprise, throwing head back and groaning.
"Someone's feeling brave," he teased, his hands resting on Steve's hips.

Steve tugged Eddie's boxers off, looking up at him for consent. Eddie nodded, biting his lip.
"Condom," Steve raised an eyebrow. Eddie reached in his bedside table drawer and handed him the condom. Steve made eye contact, ripping the condom open with his teeth, making Eddie blush. He stroked his lover a few times before slipping the condom on, kissing his thigh gently. Eddie watched with soft patience in his eyes as Steve adjusted to hover over Eddie, before slowly lowering onto him, his eyes shutting as he groaned. Steve hissed at the initial burn, before it faded to pleasure, and Eddie helped him begin to move up and down, both groaning in synch.
"So good, perfect little prince..." Eddie stroked Steve's cheek as he began to thrust up, meeting his lover in the middle as he rode him.
"Ngk- Eddie~" Steve closed his eyes, picking up speed a little. He loved when they were like this, stuck in this trance, together in an act of raw desire, intertwined as one. He was going to miss this.

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