Part 4

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Steve hung his head low as he wandered through the woods. It had been almost three days since Eddie had spoken to him, and he didn't understand what he'd done wrong. Why couldn't Eddie just be happy for him? He kicked a stone on the ground, stuffing his hands in his Jean pockets. He'd registered for Harvard and found a little apartment he could afford off his college fund, at least until he got a job. They would graduate soon, and then one more summer before they went long distance. He hoped Eddie would forgive him before then so they could spend some time together before they went their separate ways.

He sat on a log and pulled his knees to his chest, watching the wind ruffle the trees. "Are you ok sir?" He heard a soft voice behind him. He turned around, confused. It was a young boy, 10 or 11 at most. He was short, with pale skin, long, messy brown hair and a bright smile on his face. "Ya... are you lost?" He asked quietly. "No. I live by the lake." He continued to smile. "I heard you, and thought you could use some company. I'm Roger." He sat beside Steve, pulling something out of his pocket and fiddling with it. "You're not gonna murder me, right?" Steve asked nervously, ready to run at any moment. This kid was small, he could easily outrun him, if he sprinted. "No, I'd rather be friends. You looked lonely, and I am too. Can we be friends?" He asked nervously. "Sure Roger, we can be friends." Steve relaxed.

Steve and Roger sat and talked for a long time, and Steve no longer feared him. At some point, dark clouds covered the sky, and fat raindrops began to splatter them. "I've got to be getting home, see you tomorrow Steve?" Roger asked, smiling. "See ya tomorrow." Roger turned and sprinted into the woods, but Steve stayed where he was, letting the rain soak him. And he let his tears fall.Pretty soon, he began to shiver, and he made his way home, kind of hoping Eddie wasn't home so we wouldn't have to deal with the cold silence he had been receiving lately.

Unfortunately, his lover was home, watching TV when Steve stepped in the door. He didn't even acknowledge him, and Steve sighed sadly. For some reason, his cheeks burned with shame, like he'd done something wrong.

That night, He slept on the couch, and when he was sure Eddie was asleep, he slipped out of the trailer. He walked through the city, just thinking.

Then he heard it. A girl was screaming from an alleyway. He put his hood up and rounded the corner. She was young, no older than 15. He was much older, at least thirty. He had her pinned against the wall, and she was crying. Steve balled his fists, gritting his teeth. "Hey! Leave her alone." He yelled. The man laughed, shaking his head. "What are you gonna do? Fight me?"

"Exactly." Steve grabbed his shoulder and pulled him off the girl, punching him squarely in the nose. The man grunted, stumbling backwards and falling. "Run." Steve whispered to the girl. She sniffled, taking a step back. "Thank you." "Go get the police." She nodded, and then she ran. By now, the man was regaining his composure, and he cried out, throwing a punch wildly. Steve tried to dodge, but it stuck his jaw, and he grunted. He turned, throwing another punch to the man's exposed chest. The man gasped, but he took it like a champ and grabbed Steve by the throat and slammed him against the brick wall. It hurt like hell, but he wasn't going to let this pervert win. He gasped for air as the man squeezed his throat. The man was looking straight into his eyes, a smirk on his face. "You thought you could actually hurt me? You're nothing. You'll never amount to anything!" He spat.

Spots were filling Steve's vision, and his lungs screamed for air, but he couldn't give up. He gathered up all his strength and kneed the man in the balls. Hard. The man's eyes widened and he let Steve go, stumbling backwards and doubling over. "Fuck!" The man roared angrily, launching himself at Steve. He dodged, kicking the old man in the ribs. The man fell to the ground, and Steve kicked him until he went unconscious. A few minutes later, the police arrived, and they let Steve off with a warning. The old man on the other hand, would go to jail, where he would wait for his trial, and hopefully get at least five years, because this wasn't his first offense. After he went on the news, several other young girls spoke up, and Steve was glad he had saved many other girls from a life of trauma and fear.

When he slipped back into the trailer, he thought he'd gotten away with sneaking out, but he sighed when the living room lamp turned on. "Where have you been?" Eddie asked quietly. "You choose to start talking to me now?" "Just answer the question." "Out." Eddie clenched his fist and stood. "Where?" Steve stepped forward, his head hung low, and Eddie saw the welting bruise on his jaw for the first time. And it sent him back to the day Steve had come out, and he'd appeared on his doorstep with a similar bruise, but that one was from his own mother. Steve needed him then, and he needed him now. Eddie instantly felt extremely guilty for being mad at his boyfriend. "What did you do Stevie?" He pulled Steve into a hug, and a few seconds later he hugged him back. "I'm sorry." Steve whispered. "No, you don't need to say sorry. I do. I'm sorry Steve. And I'll do anything to make it up to you." Eddie shut his eyes, a tear escaping and trailing down his cheek. 

Have a good day :)

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