Part 11: Day 7

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Eddie opened the fridge, pulling out leftover spaghetti and opening it. He sniffed it, shrugging and tossing it in the microwave. He put it on for 2 minutes, running a hand through his tangled hair as he watched it spin. His phone pinged, and he pulled it out of his sweatpant pocket. It was from Gareth.

Hey bro, you coming to the show tonight? We need you man

He answered, sighing and putting his phone down.

Yeah, I'll be there

The microwave beeped, and he took out his food, hissing as he quickly put the hot container down.

"You're not supposed to microwave those containers, fucks with your jizz," Steve spoke.
"Jesus!" Eddie jumped, a hand on his heart. "You startled me!" He turned around to see his boyfriend in a binder and booty shorts, his hair a mess and his cheeks red from sleep.
"Have a nice nap?" Eddie questioned, grabbing a fork.
"Mm." Steve shrugged. Steve snatched the fork from him, taking a bite of Eddie's food.
"Hey! That's mine! Dickhead," he grabbed the fork back, and Steve just raised an eyebrow. The short haired boy suddenly grabbed Eddie and lifted him off the ground, spinning them around.
"Oi!! Food!" Eddie tried not to spill his lunch as he was spun around, while also trying not to laugh. Steve finally put him down, kissing him playfully before opening the fridge and pulling out a beer, popping off the top and taking a swig.
"Drinking at..." Eddie paused, checking the time on his phone. "12 in the afternoon?" He raised an eyebrow. Steve just shrugged, offering him a sip. Of course, he took it.

"I got a show tonight, wanna come?" The metalhead asked, wiping his mouth and handing the bottle back.
"Sure, where's it at?" Steve asked.
"The Dead Dove, we used to play there alot before..." he trailed off. "Nevermind. Just meet me there at 8," he pecked his boyfriend on the cheek before disappearing into the bathroom to take a wee, abandoning his spaghetti on the counter.


Eddie arrived an hour early, meeting the band to set up.

"Hey bro, how ya been?" Jeff asked, and they hugged.

"Things are going ok, I got into Stanford!" They each grabbed a mic, placing them on the stage.

"Your girl get in?" Jeff asked, plugging the mic's in.

"You mean Steve? Oh no, he's going to Harvard. We're... not really looking for the same things, like we used to," Eddie helped him start setting up the drum set.

"Oh damn, I forget you're still dating the tranny," Gareth patted him on the back as walked by them.

"Hey! You can't say that anymore!" He gritted his teeth.
"Plus, Steve's twice the man you'll ever be." He rolled his eyes.

"Someone's defensive," Gareth chuckled.


At around 7:30, Steve got to the bar, sitting on a stool.
"Vodka Spritz please," he placed some money on the bar. The bartender started making his drink, and he turned to look at the stage. They already had a small crowd gathered. Ever since their record deal, Corroded Coffin had taken off running. He got his drink, taking a swig and sighing. A young woman sat beside him, ordering some fruity drink.
"You here for the show?" She asked him, her voice a little squeaky.
"Yes, my boyfriend's in the band." He tried to be friendly, sipping his drink. She was slim and petite, kind of built like a pixie, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
"I'm Nora," she held out her hand to shake.
"Steve," he smiled, shaking her hand.


After the show, Steve was quite tipsy, but still doing alright. He made his way backstage, but was stopped by a sight he'd never had the guts to imagine. Nora was running up to Eddie, who laughed and waved at her. She leapt into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck as he spun her, both giggling.

He looked away. The alcohol was affecting him more than he realized. He stumbled out of the bar without Eddie noticing him, swaying down the street before stopping to spew in a bush. He stood, adjusting his colt and wiping his mouth. What the fuck was happening? He stumbled for a few more blocks, before a van pulled up beside him.
"Hey! Steve?" Someone got out of the van. His vision started to blur, and held onto the side of a building to keep steady. Shit, someone had spiked his drink. He began to laugh, tears in his eyes.
"Steve!" The voice sounded like it was underwater, and his legs felt numb. The face was blurring, but he knew who it was.

"Are you fucking that... blonde chick?" His words were slurred as he leaned into Eddie.
"What? Nevermind, let's just get you home." Eddie helped him walk to the van, putting him into the passenger seat.
"She's pretty, your type too," Steve mumbled, shutting his eyes to try and stop the world from spinning. The door shut and Eddie got into the driver's seat, sighing as he drove them home.


Somewhere along the drive Steve passed out, before waking up again draped on the couch back at the trailer, his head pounding. He looked at his phone. 3:45Am. He huffed, putting his phone down and covering his eyes. Before he could fall asleep again, there was a pounding at the door.
"Coming!" He tried to stand up, stumbling to the door. He opened it, running a hand through his hair.
"Hello Sandy."
"Mom?! What the fuck are you doing here?!" He blinked.

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