Part 3

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Eddie was at band practice when Steve got the letter. It was an acceptance letter. To Harvard. Eddie's acceptance letter had arrived a few days earlier. To Stanford. Steve had only applied to Harvard for fun. He knew he wasn't going to get in. He wasn't supposed to get in. But here was the letter, telling him he had a spot and a scholarship if he wanted it. He read the letter over 3 times, his hands were shaking. This wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't sure how long he was standing there, just reading the letter over and over again, but pretty soon he heard Eddie's van pull up, and he quickly stuffed the paper in his pocket and turned the TV on, laying on the couch like he had been there for a while. When Eddie walked in, he had a giant grin on his face. "It's finally happening. I promised I was gonna show you the finer things in life one day, and I'm gonna do just that." Steve made room on the couch and Eddie sat beside him. "We got a deal! A record company saw our show last week and thinks we have the potential to be big." "I'm so happy for you!" Steve hugged him, trying his best to put on a smile. Eddie gently kissed him, and Steve laid down so Eddie was straddling him. "I'm so proud of you..." he whispered, going back to making out with his lover. Don't get me wrong, he was happy for Eddie, but the letter in his back pocket felt like it was suddenly a hundred pounds, weighing him down.

Eddie got busy making arrangements for his band, and Steve was helping Simon move, and they barely saw each other the rest of the week. Steve wanted to tell him about the letter, but he never found the chance. the due date for registering was fast approaching, and he still didn't know if he wanted to go to the school of his dreams, or stay with the man of his dreams. He knew Eddie would support him either way, but the thought of having to go long distance terrified him. He put it off for four more days, until Frankie asked him where he was planning to go to school.

"I got into Stanford. So did Eddie." he sighed. "That's good. That's not good?" they asked. "Not good. Because I also got into Harvard. The school I've wanted to go to since I was nine." Frankie was silent, processing this new information. "I think you should do what makes you happy." Robin chimed in. She could tell how upset her best friend was, and she pulled him into a hug. Frankie and Olivier stood, and they all huddled into a group hug. Surprisingly, Steve coming out had made their little friend group grow closer, and he couldn't imagine what it would be like without them. "Thanks guys." He whispered quietly. They pulled apart, and Steve took a deep breath. "I think I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna go to Harvard." He nodded, knowing it would be better in the long run.

That night, Eddie was staying late at the recording studio, and Steve was preparing a long speech about how Harvard was the best school for his career of choice, and they would have to go long distance, but it was going to be ok, and that he'd been dreaming of going to this school his whole life.

When Eddie finally walked in the door, he could tell Steve was preparing to tell him something, and he began to worry. "I need to talk to you." Steve said firmly, basically pushing Eddie onto the couch. "Alright." Steve sat beside him, and pulled the letter out of his pocket. "I got into Stanford." "Ok... then what's wrong?" "But I also got into Harvard." "Oh." "Ya." There was a moment of silence, and Eddie shut his eyes. "You're going to Harvard, right?" He sounded more hurt then Steve had anticipated. "Well... ya." Steve swallowed nervously.

In all his preparation, he hadn't even considered that Eddie might not be ok with it, or at least not pretend to be happy for him. That's why he was so shocked and hurt when Eddie stood, fiddling with the rings on his fingers, a frown on his face. "I'm... I'm gonna go for a walk. It's late. Go to bed Steve." He sounded kind of mad, and Steve's shoulders slumped. "Ok. Good night Eddie. I love you." Steve said quietly, standing and walking towards their bedroom. "I know." Those two words were full of anger and pain, and it felt like a sharp slap across the face. And then he left, and Steve's heart shattered into 6 million pieces.

Have a good day :)

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