Part 7

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The first few days went by ok, but Steve could tell that Eddie had something on his mind. That Saturday, we finally decided to approach him about it. "Do you wanna go for a walk?" he asked after dinner. "Sure." They held hands as they walked through the woods. A little ways into their walk, Eddie pulled his hand away and tucked in his pocket, looking away. Steve stopped walking, looking at Eddie with a look of hurt. "What's wrong?" Eddie asked like nothing had happened. "Nevermind." he mumbled, watching his feet as they kept walking. Eddie shrugged it off, pretending that he couldn't sense the pain radiating off his lover. He didn't want to break his heart, but it was the only choice.

"Steve, I need to tell you something." Steve nodded, stopping and turning to face him. Eddie sighed, fiddling with his rings. "Stevie, I think...after we both leave for school...we know, go our separate ways." he shrugged, kicking a stone. He couldn't look at Steve, he couldn't watch the pain behind his eyes. "You're breaking up with me." "No! Not yet, at least. I just mean, after this summer, we take a break. And maybe, after we both graduate, we can...reconnect. I know it's gonna hurt but, it's for the best." Eddie peeked at him. But instead of sadness, he saw nothing but emptiness. "Ok. if that's what you think is best." Steve whispered, turning away and walking back toward the trailer park.

"Steve! Steve, come back here!" Eddie trotted until he caught up. "Steve, please talk to me." tears pricked his eyes. He had meant to let his boyfriend down easy, but instead he was getting his own heart broken. "What should we talk about Eddie? There are so many things we could say." Steve chuckled, shaking his head. Eddie frowned, grabbing his lover's arm. "Stevie, stop." Steve stopped, but he didn't look at his boyfriend. "Is there someone else? Is that why you want a break, because you're bored of me?" he shut his eyes. "What? No, I would never do that to you..." "Tell me the truth!" Steve yelled, turning and towering over his boyfriend. Eddie stumbled back in surprise and fear, shrinking under Steve's burning gaze. "Tell. Me. The. Truth." "There's no one else Steve, I promise." he sighed in relief when Steve took a step back and hung his head low. "If you really want to break up, then so be it. But please, I'm begging you, give me one more summer to hold you before you go?" he whispered. "Of course, one last summer." Eddie embraced him, and they cried together, Steve holding onto him like he was his last lifeline. "Let's enjoy our last summer, ok?" "ok. Our last summer." 

Sry for the extremely short update. Have a good day :)

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