Part 6

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"Time to get up!" Steve was woken the next morning by a pillow to the face. He jumped to life, glaring at his best friend. Robin stuck her tongue out and Steve rolled his eyes. "I hate you..." he grumbled quietly. "I love you too." Robin chuckled. He climbed down the ladder and opened his suitcase. He picked out an outfit, wishing he had his phone. "Where's Eddie and Frankie?" "Eddie is in the bathroom, and Frankie's at the morning swim." she said. Eventually, everyone finished getting ready and they made their way down the hill. Eddie and Steve held hands as they ran to the mess hall. They sat at their cabin's table, and Robyn went up to get them breakfast. Frankie arrived soon after, and they all filled their plates. "Aren't we supposed to have two other kids with us?" Robyn asked absentmindedly. "Maybe they saw our cabin and ditched." Frankie chuckled.

They finished breakfast and the whole camp gathered in the meeting hall for their schedules. They all had 2 individual activities in the morning, lunch at their cabin, an hour of down time, and then a group swim at the south doc. After that, they had a cabin team building course they had to attend every evening, and then dinner. After dinner was the nightly campfire, then light's out at 8. They shared their individual activities as they walked to their cabin to change. They had been allowed to choose their activities the day before the trip, but if there wasn;t space for you, you got thrown into whatever was left. "I've got art and kayaking." Frankie grinned. "Lucky, I got music and nature club." Robin grimaced. "What the hell is a nature club anyway?" "I donno, but I got music too. And cooking." Eddie shrugged. "I didn't know you knew how to cook." Robin furrowed her brow. "I don't." he said with a straight face. "What'd you get Stevie?" Eddie asked him. "Greenhouse and knitting." he mumbled. "Pardon?" Eddie laughed. Steve sighed, handing the paper to Eddie, too embarrassed to repeat it out loud. "You got knitting?! You're turning into my grandpa!" he teased, handing back the paper. "Ya ya, laugh all you want. At least I know how to knit, you can't even make grilled cheese." Steve rolled his eyes. "You know how to knit?!" Frankie asked, baffled by the image in his mind. He was picturing Steve sitting in a rocking chair, wearing little reading glasses and knitting his grandkids little sweaters. "It was the last thing my grandma taught me before she died." he looked away. "Oh my god, that makes it even better!" The group laughed. Pretty soon he found himself smiling, then before he knew it, he was laughing too.

The first three days seemed to whisk by, and Steve was having one of the best times of his life. On the fourth day, Steve woke up before everyone else, and stood on the porch, watching the waves on the lake. It was a windy day, and he shut his eyes, listening to the wind in the trees. "Good morning love." Eddie's sweet voice soothed him, as it always did. "Morning Eds." he smiled, noticing that his lover was wearing the green sweater he had spent all his free time knitting him. It was a little small, and one of the sleeves was longer than the other but Eddie still wore it proudly. "How are you today?" he asked. "I'm good, tired." They stood, chatting and watching the lake together until the others woke up. "Do you wanna stay here today? I don't really feel like burning my hands today." Eddie joked. To say he was flunking the cooking class would be an understatement. It was literally going up in flames. "Why not? I could use a break from trimming bushes." Steve smiled.

The others left for their morning activities, and Eddie pulled out a bunch of games he'd found stored in the cabin. Halfway through their game of Sorry, dark clouds covered the sky and rain started to splatter the roof. They played board games and card games all morning, then Frankie and Robin brought lunch, and the four of them played uno well they ate their ham and lettuce sandwiches. After their hour of down time, the other's went to group swim, (which was still running because there wasn't any thunder) but Eddie and Steve stayed back at the cabin again, neither of them finding the appeal in swimming in the rain. They played more games, and when they got bored of that, they made out on Steve's bed, very much enjoying their time alone together.

It rained for the rest of the camping trip, and the gang was kind of glad to have the whole last day to pack. "I'm gonna miss this old thing." Steve whispered, patting the wall of the cabin. "Wait!" he gasped, grabbing his polaroid camera that he;d forgotten about out of his bag and quickly snapping a photo of the interior of the cabin. In the photo, all the luggage was piled in the center of the room, Frankie was reading in their bottom bunk, Robyn was hanging from her top bunk, reaching to grab the book from Frankie's hands, and Eddie was crouched beside the luggage pile, facing the camera, making his signature Devil pose. Steve laughed, sticking the photo in his pocket so it could develop. "I forgot I had this thing." He stepped out onto the porch and snapped a shot of the lake, putting that in his pocket too. "Good thing you remembered it." Eddie followed him as he walked outside and took a photo of the front of the cabin.

After lunch, they said their goodbye's and piled onto the bus. Halfway through the drive, Steve fell asleep on Eddie's shoulder, and three weeks later, they graduated, and it was officially their last summer.

My life will not be complete until someone draws the Polaroid photo ❤️

Have a good day :)

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