Chapter 1: Run

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Fiamettas P.O.V
I creep around corners quietly making sure I'm not found. Only one other person is with me. Maya. We creep in it the kitchen ducking under the saloon type doors. We go quietly around tables and benches.


I turn as the sound happens to see Maya on the ground surrounded by metal bowls. Well, if the leaders didn't know of our presence they sure do now. I can't get in trouble! I'm on probation for heavens sake!

"Maya! Quiet!" I whisper yell

"Sorry" she says embarrassed

I nod and we keep walking. This is her first raid so I forgive her quickly. We creep into the storage room, taking off our backpacks and stuffing them with food. This should keep the kids going, I think, won't need to do another raid for a while.


Maya and I stop what we're doing and look at the doors. They'd opened, I knew the sound to well. I grab Maya and shove her under a shelf myself following suit straight after. We push ourselves up against the wall, making ourselves seem flat so we can hopefully go unseen.

The first thing I see is the familiar black heels followed by the legs. The shoes walk round the room most likely looking at the shelves to see if any food is missing. I glance at the backpacks which are near bursting point. Yep, they're gonna notice. The feet walk over and stop in front of Maya and I. Oh no.

"Fiametta, come out sweetie I know you're in here" comes the high pitched voice

I glance at Maya and signal for her to stay put. She nods hurriedly and glances back at the shoes scared. I wiggle out from under the shelf and stand up, only coming to the shoulder of the lady next to me.

"Hey leader Kay" I say in mock shock, "what a coincidence meeting you here"

"Fia, what's the rules given to children about the storage room?"

Here we go. "No child is allowed in the storage room after dark or unsupervised" I say

"Exactly! And you've broken both of those rules"

"Nah ah! You're here! So I'm not unsupervised!" I say sarcastically

"Follow me" she growls. I nod and follow her out of the room.

We start walking down the familiar halls of the orphanage. I hope Maya gets the food back to the kids, they need it. We take a left at the end of one hall and I know where we're going. Headmistress Lee's office.

We enter her office. It's not a bad room, random colours splashed everywhere. The pink throw pillows, red desk and the hideous yellow rug. Headmistress Lee is at her desk looking tired and mad. I must've woken her up. Oopsie!

"Fiametta, I see you've been in the storage room. Again."

"Yep" I say, taking a seat across from her

"You've broken your probation"

"Yea, I have" I sigh

"Why were you in the storage room? Were you with anyone else?" She questions, eyebrows raising

"I was getting a snack miss, no one else was with me"

The Headmistress gives me a questioning glare but doesn't say anything. Well she couldn't because there was a huge bang from the other side of the orphanage. Headmistress Lee, Leader Kay and I take off running down the halls.

We come across half the building covered in fire and the orphans running around like mad men or sobbing their eyes out in corners

"What the fu-" Headmistress Lee began but was cut off when two figures began walking through the fire.

One of them spoke and it's a sound I shall never forget because it sent chills right down to my core.

"Fiametta, where are you darling?!" It sing songs. I shiver.

Headmistress Lee looks at me with panic in her eyes and yells, "Run Fia! Run and never look back!"

Needless to say I ran.

Heyo! New book, woohoo. Hope y'all enjoy!
~Bri :)

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