Chapter 22: So It Begins

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Fiamettas P.O.V
We spent the rest of the day preparing for our invasion of the lab tonight. Along with the fact that we had to do a two day walk in a few hours, we also had to mentally prepare ourselves for the fact that we're going to kill people. And I had to deal with that fact that one of those people could possibly be my dad. But he was never there, so why should I care?

In the first few hours before we left, I practicing ways I could throw fire at people and my 'amazing', no existent, karate skills. Then we set off, Demeter had made a boulder which was hollowed out and had a flat bottom. It was a giant, rock bowl. The plan was for us to use it as a car, Guthrie being the motor, and get to the lab fast.

We were going fast, like really fast for a boulder, but the sun was setting fast and I had my doubts. We hit trees along the way, crushing them in our path. It saddened Demeter to ruin the nature like that and I promised her, if we made it out alive, we'd come back to fix them all. She'd brightened up at that. I just hoped we made it out alive.

The sun had set and the moon was high in the sky by the time we made it to the secret doorway. We had planned for the door to be shut, so we could do a half sneak, half here we are attack thing. That didn't happen. The door was wide open and all the guards were standing around.

Very weird, very unexpected. The hell are they doing?

"What do we do now? They're standing there, a diversion would get us killed!" Lucy whisper yelled

"I guess we go straight for the fire tornado thing then?" I question everyone, they all nod in agreement

Guthrie walked backwards a few meters before crossing to the other side of the door. I nod at him and he nods back, starting up the wind a bit. The gusts of wind gets bigger and bigger before it becomes a mini tornado. I push my hands out, soaring fire into the wind, it works and there's a blazing tornado of doom in the doorway. Guthrie and I start pushing it towards the soldiers. Then we make more. There's five of them at the end, flying towards the soldiers. They scream and shout, guns shooting at everything.

That's when we all rush in. Elements flying everywhere. Demeter starts crushing people between the wall and boulders. Guthrie pushes over tables and shelves, crushing people under them. Heath freezes people on the spot whilst Cain drowns people. Morris and Lucy bend the light and darkness to their will so they can sneak up on the guards. I throw balls of fire at the soldiers, causing them to scream and run around in pain or collapse on the floor. I felt bad of course but this needed to be done.

Everything goes well, the soldiers dwindle slowly till none of them are left standing. I want to cheer but this is only the start, this wasn't all the guards, that'd be stupid to have them all here. And we still have to get past the scientists and blow this place sky high. Cheering could wait.

Without a word we all cross to the door on the other side of the entry way and throw it open, preparing ourselves for more guards. But any amount of preparing couldn't have readied us for what was waiting.

Arrow stood a few meters down from the door in the middle of the hallway. Collective gasps were heard and Guthrie choked on air. His friend, whom we all thought was dead, was standing and waiting for us. But he didn't look like Arrow. Instead of jeans and shirt along with a cocky smile, he wore a guards uniform and a grim look. He wasn't Arrow anymore.

"Arrow?" Guthrie choked out

Arrow looked at him, no recognition at all on his eyes.

"Arrow it's us, it's me. Guthrie. You remember me right?" He was pleading now

Arrow simply stared at him then moved his eyes onto all of us, taking in our faces one by one. He stopped at my face. I hoped it was recognition but I knew it wasn't. The look on his face showed that he had orders not to hurt me.

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