Chapter 14: Small Talk

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Fiamettas P.O.V
Escape plans take time and for me and Heath together it took us two days and it still had a few holes in it.

I was going to complain that i was thirtsy, throw the bottle of water that I hopefully get to Heath, he'll use that to freeze his lock and mine so much it breaks then we'll go and rescue the others.

Simple as that really. But what if they don't give me the water? There goes the plan. Heath kept saying I had nothing to worry about because they knew I was  a fire elemental, so I can't use water at will. He made sense but it still didn't keep me from worrying when the time came.

Day three of being locked up started as usual. Shiny and Ghosty came around and asked me those two questions agin and of course I didn't answer, instead I asked for some water to drink.

Shiny and Ghosty gave each other a look then Ghosty left, coming back three minutes later with a bottle of water. She rolled it to me and I pretended to take a sip. A They then left. Idiots.

I threw the bottle to Heath and he uncapped it. He poured the water onto his lock and froze it. Then he did something I didn't think he could do, he did a full karate kick to the lock and it shattered. He did the same to mine.

We run down the hall and begin our search for our friends. We come across only empty cells. It made me hope less and less that we would find them again. Maybe they had them in a different area? Oh no.

I expressed my concern to Heath.

"It's possible" he said, "I know my way around. I'll show you to the other wings"

We run down long corridors and it made me think.

"Heath, how long were you here before we came?"

"Years" he said

"How many?"

We run for a while and trona few more tunes before he answers

"Ten years"

I almost stop running because of the shock. Ten years stuck in this place.

"So you came here at the age of?"

"Seven" he said

Wow. Seven years old and being stuck here most likely not knowing what was happening. I can't help but think of a seven year old Heath being trapped in such a dark and morbid place. It makes me tear up at the thought.

"Yet, I was lucky, usually they grab children just as they're born" he said

"I'm sorry, what?" I say stopping in my tracks

Heath turns to look at me, "what? Don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"Fia, no one is born this way, it's just not possible"

I start to see where he's going with this and I don't like it.

"Fia, I was, you were, everyone was, made to be like this. These people made us the way we are"

"I-I-I" I try to say something but nothing comes out. No wonder these people knew where to find me, " do the others know?"

"They'd have to. They've been around longer than you"

I'm at a loss for words. How come they never told me?

"C'mon, let's get everyone"

I nod and shake off my sadness and shock because we've got much bigger fish to tackle. Our friends. We run down so many corridors that looks so much alike that I start believe that we are going in circles. Then we stop out the front of a door.

"Oh please don't let anyone be in here" I hear Heath mutter as he pulls open the door. The screams start there.

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