Chapter 16: No, Arrow, No

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Fiamettas P.O.V
Everyone jumps up yet almost falls over. The stare at the door frantically.

"Cain! What do we do?" Demeter yells

"I-I-Uhm-I don't no" he sighs the looks at me expectantly, "Fia?"


"What do we do?" He asks me

I take a glance around the room at everyone. They're looking at me wide eyed and unknowing.

"Right, everyone in a defensive potion. Get ready to throw everything you've got at them and dear the gods please don't collapse on me" I say taking control

Every one nods and faces the door. Heath backs up after freezing the doorknob so it gives us a bit more time.

Bangs erupt through the room as the guards bash in the door. Yelling and groaning can be heard from the other side.

"Change of plan" I yell out, "go on the attack"

We all rush at the door, I melt the ice and we burst threw. The guards were taken by surprise but quickly got back on the right track. They started firing their guns and tasers all over the place. We fought back throwing our stuff all over the place. Demeter dragged vines up through the ground, Heath froze the men's guns and I threw fire all around making the guns and tasers way to hot to hold.

We managed to push the guards back a fair way before anyone dropped. Arrow was the first to go, he just dropped to the ground. I wanted to go and help him but how? With all the shots ringing through the room I wouldn't make it to him.

The guards start to drop after few more minutes and were down from 20 of them to around 5. We quickly get rid of 4 of them. The last guy drops his gun and puts his hands up in surrender. Heath keeps a watch in him and I rush backward towards Arrow.

He's lying on the ground, breathing heavy and laboured.

"Arrow! Arrow!" I scream and grab his face

"Mmmmmmm" he groans, "Stomach"

Cain rushes over and pulls Arrows jumper up. I see a blood splatter the size of my palm seeping through his shirt. It continues to grow and begins to get the size of both my hands together. There are collective gasps from around the hallway.

Arrow smiles, "it's bad isn't it? I'm dying"

"No arrow, no your not" Cain says sternly

"Cain don't lie to yourself. I sure as hell ain't" he starts coughing, red liquid spurts out of his mouth a little and trickles down his cheek. It's blood. None of us can fight that. Arrow is dying and I can't help but feel as though it's my fault. If I hadn't of gone with Cain that day in the forest then this may not have happened.

"Fia?" Arrow groans out

"Yes I'm here" I say

He reaches his hand out to me and I grab it. He pulls me down so he can whisper in my ear.

"Give these sons of bitches what they deserve" he breaths out and into my ear

I've got tears in my eyes, I manage to croak out an 'ok' before his shallow breaths stop and his heart beats dull down to nothing.

I put my hands on him and pray like I did with Demeter. Nothing happens. No flames envelope his body and he doesn't sit back up. He's gone.

I stand up and look around the room, tears threatening to fall. My friends look scared and so am I but I know two things. One is that Arrow is dead. The other is that these people are gonna pay.

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