Chapter 2: Cain

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Fiamettas P.O.V
As I get outside the cold air nips at my skin. The wind was roaring around and I was scared a hurricane would start. As I got outside the boundaries of the orphanage I looked back. The whole left side was up in flames and there wasn't a soul outside. They'll die in there! All of them will die! I wanted to go back and help but something was keeping me back. My cowardliness? It's possible.

With a sad glance back at the orphanage I start running again. The orphanage was in the middle of nowhere so no one will notice it's gone until someone rocks up to adopt a child. What a horrifying surprise they'll get. I run into the forest that surrounds the orphanage. It's dark in the forest. Dark, cold and quiet. It creeps me out.

Now I'm a clumsy person and you'd expect because I'm running for my life I'd be a little more careful but that's not the case because I run straight into a tree and black out. The last thing I hear is the sound of feet running straight towards me.


I can tell I'm dreaming before the image even arrives. I'm standing on the roof of the orphanage but the roof is see through and I watch as all the kids run for their lives. I see everyone. It's horrible. Kids everywhere just running away from the fire.

The fire creeps after them faster than you'd expect for just a normal fire. As I see the fire catch up to the kids I wake up.


Gasping, I try to sit up but my pounding headache stops me. Instead I lay still and look around. I'm not in the forest, nope, I'm in a cave. Well, I think it's a cave. What the hell? I'm laying on sheets and I've got a cold cloth on my forehead. Well, this is different. I hear clinking coming from in front of me. I stiffen and look up, ignoring the pain in my head

It's a boy. He's eating something that smells like eggs. My stomach growls and I notice how hungry I am. I flop back down them groan from my head.

"Well" says the boy, "thought you'd never wake up"

"Where am I?" I ask, voice croaking

"Dunno" he says shrugging "a cave in the middle of a forest somewhere"

"Great, sarcasm is exactly what I need"

"Hey," he holds his hands in mock surrender, "you asked"

I roll my eyes and try to stand up. Every part of my body aches. I go and sit down across from the random stranger. He passes me some eggs.

"So, who are you?"

"Kane. Spelt C-A-I-N. It's Welsh. What about you?"

"Fiametta" I say getting a 'what?' Look from Cain, "It's Latin and you can just call me Fia"

He nods at me and we eat in silence.

"So, who burnt down your orphanage?" Cain asks bluntly

I cough, sending my eggs flying everywhere

"How'd you-?"

"How'd I know? I was in the area and saw flames then noticed you running" I simply nod. "So you do it?"

My mouth falls open, most likely showing all the food in my mouth.

"What? No! Of course not!" I shriek,"why would you think that?"

"Well you were running so I thought-" he mutters timidly

"Well you thought wrong" I say venomously and storm out of the cave

"Where are you going?!" He yells after me

"Away" I state, walking faster

"Don't do that! People like us aren't safe on our own!"

"People like us?" I ask quizzically, stopping in my tracks, "what? Orphans?"

His yes widen, "you don't know do you?"

"Don't know what?"

"Follow me!" He says, walking in the opposite direction and further into the forest.

I fight with myself on whether I should follow or just find a town and get help. Me not wanting to be alone wins and I hurriedly chase after him, hoping he's not a psychopath that'll kill me as soon as we get deep enough into the forest.

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