Chapter 20: The Gang Is Formed

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Fiamettas P.O.V
Two days pass. On the day after Cain told us his story, Heath approached me and talked about the healing thing. Mine to be exact.

"It's not possible" he had said, "fire is a destructive element, not a healing one"

"But think about it" I had said, "fires does destroy, but afterwards, if it's a bush fire, things come back, healthier and stronger than ever"

He had nodded at me. "It's just weird Fia" and that's where it had ended.

I had practiced since then. Well tried to anyway. Trying to prove to myself that I was right. That fire can heal. I'd walk into the woods around us, because we'd set up a camp and hadn't moved, and look for anything to practice on. Bugs or animals. Nothing was around though.

Today, after lunch, I walked back in. I walked around for about five minutes.

"What are you doing?" I heard in my ear

I screamed and turned around, flame lit in my palm. It was only Morris.

"Jesus fuc-" I was about to yell

"Language" he smirked

I rolled my eyes, "what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing" he said and raised an eyebrow

"You're annoying" I say and walk off on the opposite direction. He followed.

"And you're bitchy" he replies snarkly

"Language" I mock

"so Fia. What are you doing out here?"



"Hurt animals" I knew he wasn't going to leave me alone, so why not tell him the truth?

"Why? Planning on torturing them?"

"Healing them actually"


I simply flicked my wrist and had a flame flicker for a second. Hopefully he was smart enough to figure it out.


"Ah ah ah, careful sunshine, language" I smirked, this is fun

He didn't reply for a bit and then I heard an 'oof' from behind me. Turning around I saw Morris lying on the ground staring at the sky. Uhm, ok? Then I burst out laughing when it all clicks.

"D-D-Did you t-t-trip Sunshine?" I gasp out

"Uuuuuggghhhh," is his response. He goes to get up and then gasps on pain. I stop laughing and rush over.

"Are you ok?" I ask frantically looking for any wounds

"Left wrist" he says, "I landed on it funny"

I look at him then grab his wrist. He hisses in pain. It doesn't look normal, it's bent at a weird angle. I smirk on the inside. Thanks sunshine, practice.

I close my eyes and start to imagine his wrist going back to normal, the way his other one is. My palms start to heat up and I open my eyes. Flames are trickling from my palms onto his wrist. Morris doesn't say anything, he just looks at the flames in fear. Soon his whole hand is covered in fire and then they're gone.

"There, all better" I say and stand up, continuing on my way

I hear Morris stand up. And he walks up to me, damn him and his long legs. He grabs my arm and twists me around and whispers in my ear.

"You're welcome" he says and walks away

It takes a second then it dawns on me. That assbutt fell on purpose. He fell, so I could practice. Assbutt.


Back at camp I grab Heath, Morris (the assbutt), and Guthrie, just so we could go over our plans. We sneakily went into the trees. Or so I thought. Once we had taken our seat at a tree, Demeter and Lucy joined us.

"Uhm, Hi guys?" Guthrie says

"Yo, what's up?" Lucy says and takes a seat. Demeter follows suit.

We all look at each other.

"Nothing?" I say, it comes out more like a question

"Well, we want in on this 'nothing' stuff that you're doing" Demeter says

I smile at them. They want to help. This is perfect, more help.

"Awesome. But won't Cain get suspicious if we're all missing?" I ask

"He's sleeping at the moment, I'd say we have about an hour till he wakes up" Lucy says

I nod and look at our plan. Heath had remembered everything, thankfully, and wrote it on ice. It was weird, but we have no paper.

"So what is the plan?" Demeter asked

I grab a stick and stand up.

"Right, so far we've got this. Sunshine and Elsa-"

the girls laugh at me and I smile

"are going to create a diversion at the main entrance, bring all guards out into the main area. From there, Guthrie and I were going to attack from above, fire tornado style, getting rid of them all. Then we go for the boiler, where, according to Heath, there's big gas bottles in there"

I smile mischievously

"we're gonna blow those up"

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