Chapter 26: Here We Go

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Fiamettas P.O.V
Demeter screams and I throw fire at this psycho. A few loose tools flying at her as well. She stumbles backwards from the hits but advances none the less and flings herself at Demeter. Demeter goes down, Ghosty on top of her. Next Heath flings himself down on top of Ghosty, trying to get her off Demeter.

Ghosty knocks Heath away and he goes flying into a wall and falls down, knocked out cold. Lucy rushes over to fix him up and I'm left with Cain, Guthrie and Morris. A plan hits me then. It's stupid, but it may just work. I look at the guys. Morris leaves my side and tackles Ghosty off of Demeter and smashes her into a wall, repeatedly. Metal on concrete, the noise makes my teeth go funny.

I rush to check on Demeter. She's fine, minus a few scratches here and there from Ghostys nails.

I look over at Morris in time to see the light starting to fade from Ghostys metallic eyes and then her false eyelids close. Morris stands up and walks back to us.

"You ok Demeter?" He asks as I pull her to her feet

She smiles at him, "yea, thank you"

"Ok, she's only knocked out. She'll be up and running in a few minutes. We need a plan. Now" Cain says

I look around me and decide that my stupid plan is the only one we've got.

"Ok guys, I've got one. It's stupid but stupid usually works in these situations" I say

Everyone turns and looks at me expectantly and I take a deep breath.

"Lucy? You, Morris, Demeter and Heath get the hell out of here. I'm gonna give you five minutes. You got that?" They go to protest but I continue, "Cain and Guthrie? You guys are gonna make a shield of sorts. Protect me and yourselves as I set the gas alight. Water tornado style."

Everyone looks at each other solemnly. What if they don't make it? That's all that I can see. But they all nod at me and I get a few quick hugs from Lucy, Demeter and Heath. Morris simply looks at me.

"Don't stuff up and get yourself killed ok?" He says

Then they all rush off. I look at the boys.

"Five minutes starts now" I say, "Get that tornado up and running"

They nod and start to work. Whilst I work up the nerve to do this. Can I really blow up over 100 people?

"Fia? You ready for this?" Cain asks

I nod at him and he and Guthrie throw the water tornado around us like a safety net. I take a deep breath and ready my hand out towards the gas tanks. Someone grabs my hand. I'm yanked from the tornado and pushed into the ground.

"Fia!" Guthrie screams

"Keep it going! Don't stop!" I yell

They heard and kept the tornado up. I feel something grab my hair and I'm then thrown into a wall. Looking up, the world spins on its axis as Ghosty takes strides towards me.

"Didn't you have your brains smashed in?" I question cynically

"How can someone like you, a pretentious, sarcastic, little girl be related to Kieth? I mastermind to this world? A genius worth worshiping?" She snarls

A genius? He's a murderer. A psychopath!

I channel that new ability I was given and make a pole float behind Ghosty float.

"You are worth nothing to this world. I wish Kieth would see that. See that his daughter is nothing, see that he should stick with making soldiers rather than dolls! Dolls are wor-"


The pole hits her head and she turns to see who did it. That's when I pounce. I jump onto her back and claw my fingers into her face. This bitch isn't going to stop me. These psychos need to go down. Ghosty screams and starts thrashing about. Kicking her legs and throwing her arms around. All in an attempt to get me off her.

I try and  think of a way to knock her out again but I'm not as strong as Morris and I can't think enough to make her float. This ability kinda sucks. That's when it hits me. The boys still have the tornado going but it's going to be for nothing.

Over the sound of Ghostys screams I yell, "boys, I'm sorry" and light the gas cylinders on fire.

The last things I hear and see are the protests of the boys, a loud bang and a huge flame ball going all through the room.

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