Chapter 8: Drowning. I Wouldn't Reccomend It

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Fiamettas P.O.V
When I came to I was in No I'm moving. The back of a car? That's a fair possibility.

Looking around I see Lucy and Arrow lying down on either side of me. Well, this is great. I decide to get up and try to walk. Not the best idea when in a moving thing because you fall over. Rubbing my ass after I fall I decide to sit and await the awakening of the other two. Whilst waiting I look around. It's dark and cold. Metal surrounding us. There's a door on the wall infront of us and I don't even need to shake it to know it's locked.

"Urgh" I hear on my left. Arrows up.

Great, the sarcastic ass of the group as risen, yay for me.

"Mph, what going on?" He asks whilst looking around

"Dunno" I say and shrug

"Where are we?"

"We're in a moving metal thing"

He gives me a death glare, "Thanks. Very helpful"

"Aren't I?" I say sarcastically with fake innocence

If he's gonna be an ass all the time then I'm going to release the inner bitch. Simple.

"Where are we going?" He asks

"To a magical land filled with rainbows and unicorns" I beam and roll my eyes

"You're the worst" he says

"If you don't want a sarcastic response, don't ask a stupid question!" I say back

"It wasn't stupid!"

"I'm in this thing with you! How would I know where we're going?!"

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" We hear and turn to see Lucy death glaring us. Oops.

"She started it!" Arrow says pointing at me

"I don't care! I'm ending it!" She yells and starts to glow

I shield my eyes and so does Arrow. The glow starts to fade and we can look at her again. She's back to normal, maybe still some light in her eyes, but normal.

I go to say something but the metal box stops, I look at the others and signal for them to go back to "sleeping". I hear a creak as the door opens and see light through my eyelids. Daylight? Couldn't be. I know we'd been out but it couldn't have been that long. Must be inside. Great, being inside makes it even harder to leave.

I feel myself being lifted up and then placed back down on something cold and hard. Metal? Concrete? I feel Lucy and Arrow be placed down behind me and we are wheeled away. Ok, were on a moving metal thing again. Yay.

After 5 minutes of wheeling we stop and I'm dumped onto concrete. I can tell its concrete because it hurt when I was thrown onto it. I then hear a gate of sorts being shut and the wheels moving away.

Opening my eyes I see that I'm in a cell. Great. I stand up and look around. White walls, grey floor and a bared cell door. Glass covers the bottom half of the bars. No escape root in sight. I huff in anger and sit in a corner and glare at the door. I close my eyes and begin to think. How do I get out of here? Where is everyone? Who the hell are these people?

I sit for who knows how long before I hear the clicking of shoes coming towards my cell. The feet stop and I open my eyes to see an old guy and a women standing at the cell door and looking at me.

"What?" I call out at them

They just stare at me for a little longer.

"What's your name? Age? Ability?" The old guy asks

"Name: No, Age: Piss off, Ability: Screw you" I say and sink back into my corner

"Name, Age, Ability?" The women asks now, her voice indicating that she's losing her cool

"Nup" I say and smirk. They ain't getting nothing out of me.

The old guy and the women look at each other and nod. The old guy pulls out a remote and presses a button. Nothing happens for a second then the glass covers the entirety of the bars and the room begins to fill with water extremely fast. In five seconds the waters already up to my knees, then my thighs, then my chest, then I begin to float towards the ceiling.

I go under and begin to lose breath. These people are Crazy! Why are they trying to drown me?! My vision begins to blur and I start to pass out from lack of oxygen. The water then begins to reside and I drop to the ground, vision blurry, I see the people walk away writing things down. I close my eyes and sleep.

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