Chapter 12: Fights And Tree Houses

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Fiamettas P.O.V
We all huddle in a circle, backs facing inwards as we await the people to come through the shrubbery. Where are they? What's taking them so long?

I look around at everyone and they seem as weirded out as I am. Then I hear a crack from a twig or something, I can't be sure but then vines come at us fast. We all set into action.

I start throwing fire at them, Demeter fights back with giant walking flowers? Right. Cain's throwing water at them, don't see how thats going to help. I see ice shoot past me and freeze a vine thanks to Heath. Guthrie isn't doing much, just slowing them down with his wind. Arrow is frying them and Morris and Lucy? I haven't a clue.

The vines then just stop. Surrender? Just as that thought passes through my mind I see two people, a boy and girl around our age, step out from the trees. Um, what?

We get given suspicious glares seeing as we are still in our fighting poses and the fact that we have giant flowers around us. I give Demeter a glare and she shrinks them back down. I step out of mine and take a careful step forward. They step back.

"Um, Hi?" I say

The kids look at each other and nod. Weirder and weirder.

"Hi...?" The boy says back

"Ok, let's get one thing clear" I begin, "you're not one of those people?"

They both give me looks of horror, "no no no!" The girl says, "we thought you were"

"Well as you can see" Cain says and gestures to us all, "we're not"

They walk towards us and stick out there hands,

"I'm Kani and that's my sister Acacia" the boy, Kani, said

"Nice to meet you" Cain said, "I'm Cain, that's Fia, Demeter, Arrow, Lucy, Morris, Guthrie and....."

He pointed at us all and stopped at Heath. I cut in.

"That's Heath"

"Right. And Heath" Cain said

We all smiled and waved awkwardly. Well we did just fight them and now we're chatting. Do they want jam and scones with coffee or tea as well?

"Um this might sound abrupt but do you mind following us?" Acacia asked

We all looked at each other. Are they're being serious? We all looked towards Cain. It must suck being the leader but he's ours.

"Well um...why?" Guthrie asks for us all

"We've got somewhere you can all hide out for the night. Unless you fancy sleeping on the ground" Kani says

Cain answers, "that's a lovely offer but how do we know you want slice us to pieces in our sleep?"

"Well. I mean you don't but we wouldn't do that!" Acacia says obviously horrified at the thought

"Well we'll come. Won't we guys?"

We nod at him and the brother and sister walk off. We follow them, away and deeper into the woods. I start to pray to whatever thing out there listening that these people won't kill us in our sleep or anything bad along those lines. We walk and walk and walk for around 30-50minutes until we come across a little shack in the middle of the trees. Well the bottom is a shack, but it goes up and up into the trees like a tree house. It's amazing. It's made out of a beautiful cherry wood, which doesn't even grow around here! And with the sun starting to set behind the house it looks even more magnificent.

The brother and sister hold up their hands in sync and turn to face us.

"Welcome to our home"

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