Chapter 19: Stories Around A Camp Fire

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Fiamettas P.O.V
Heath and I gasped. We're obviously the only ones who didn't know about this. I feel bad now for trying to pressure Cain into fighting these people. Especially after all he had lost.

"I'm so sorry Cain" Heath says, "Can we know what happened?"

"Heath!" I say and smack his arm, "You don't ask someone that!"

"Fia, it's fine" Cain says and takes a seat around the fire, we all follow suit

We sit in silence for a while, Cain obviously trying to work up enough courage to relive the events of the past.

"Ok, so" Cain begins, startling us all, "Kino has been around for a long time, as long as I've known that I am what I am and probably longer. My sister, Kalina, was an earth elemental mainly specializing in flowers and plants. She loved everyone who she considered her friends or family. She hated Kino with a passion and you remind me of her in that way Fia" he smiled at me

"She wanted to end them, make them pay for taking our kind and experimenting on us. She thought up a plan to attack them in the middle of the night. Back then she was the leader of the group and being her brother I followed her willingly, even if my gut was telling me it was a bad idea."

Cain stopped and took a deep breath, trying to keep calm.

"We had planned for weeks, making sure there would be no holes so we wouldn't have any casualties. We thought it would be fine, nothing could go wrong. We were so wrong"

Everyone in the group, minus Heath and I, bowed their heads in sorrow. All of them were there, they knew what was coming, what happened. They were all reliving this moment as Heath and I were only just hearing it.

"We waited until eleven at night before we struck. First we blew open their doors and started throwing everything everywhere. People were crushed against walls or between boulders", Demeter smirked at that, "others were drowned or blown away and knocked out"

"We thought this would be to easy, that we'd win, but from there everything went wrong. Elementals, our old friends, burst through doors at the opposite end of the compound. They weren't themselves anymore, you could see in their eyes that they held no recognition of us at all. They came at us, using their elements to push us away, trying to kill us. They'd be brain washed to think we were the enemy, they became weapons for Kino. The thing they would've hated to be"

"I remember that!" He cut in, "lots of bangs and stuff woke me up. Never would've guessed it was you guys"

Cain gave him a glare but continued with the story

"We didn't want to fight them but we ended up doing so. We fought for what felt like hours, we hadn't lost anyone but we had killed many of our old friends. Kalina was left fighting her old friend Melanie who was a wind elemental. She used to be so kind and loving, bit of an air head but harmless. Or was until Kino. I could see that Kalina was tiring so I ran, throwing water to try and help. Melanie flicked her wrist and I flew to the other side of the room. That's all it took for Kalina to falter"

Cain stopped and sniffed. It was then that I noticed he was crying a little. I moved next to him and hugged him.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to" I whispered to him

He nodded but continued anyway

"Kalina stopped for a second and Melanie managed to take all the air from Kalinas lungs. I watched as she went limp then dropped to the floor. The fighting going on around me no longer existed. It was my sister. My big sister, falling to the floor was all I could see. All I remember after seeing that was a surge in energy and then everyone who wasn't apart of our group lying on the floor soaked to the core"

Guthrie interupted, "I can explain what happened if you like?"

Cain nodded and wiped his eyes, only then did I realize I was still hugging him. I didn't let go though and Guthrie spoke.

"I obviously didn't see Kalina fall as I was caught up fighting Martin, an old earth elemental, but I saw water rush around the room like a tornado and swallow Martin up. I remember looking around wondering what the hell happened and saw Cain, sitting against a wall with fire in his eyes. The water wiped out all out old friends, they had drowned in that water tornado but we had lived, something I was happily grateful for"

Cain nodded, "thanks Guthrie", then he continued

"After that I and a huge amount of adrenaline and rushed over to my sister. I grabbed he head and held it in my lap. She had no pulse, she was cold and lifeless. I don't remember starting to cry and only realized I was when Morris grabbed Kalina from me and ran. Lucy picked me up and dragged me away from the compound. I didn't know why till morning but the scientist had rushed out with guns so we had to flee"

I hugged Cain tighter as he began to get choked up. He'd lost his sister to these people. He was afraid of losing anyone else. I understood that. But this hadn't struck fear into me. Oh no, this only fueled my anger and hatred.

"A few days later I discovered that I could heal, being a water elemental and all. I could've saved her in that moment, I was gutted within myself"

"He didn't leave from underneath a tree for days afterwards" Demeter said

I looked at Heath, Morris and Guthrie, raising an eyebrow at them. They all nodded. They were still in. We were still going to take these people down. For the friends we lost, and for the ones that left this world before we knew them.

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