Chapter 9: Taking Control

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Fiamettas P.O.V
The people come back day after day for the next two and they try all different things on me. After the water they started having the walls throw rocks at me. After the rocks I had a mini hurricane inside my cell. Today the came in and I sat in my corner and waited.

"Name? Age? Ability?" They both say again like they do everyday before throwing random crap at me

"Piss off" I snarl and await whatever it is today

The woman pushes a button in her remote and a split second later my room catches on fire. Now, this is something I can work with.

I begin to act panicked at the sight of the fire, hoping to throw them off what I'm about to do. I scream and scurry back into my corner, the look on their faces shows that they're falling for it. When I get out of here I should become an actress.

I see the woman get out the remote agin and that's when I strike. I get the fire to follow my commands and smash it against the cell making the fire seep through the bars and get the old guy and woman. I hear them scream and I feel bad for what in doing but I must get out. I tell the fire to grab keys and bring it to me, without melting them.

I start to feel faint but I fight against it.

The keys get half way through my room before the fire gets put out. I rush towards them before the people can see that I have them and shove them into my back pocket.

"Name? Age? Ability: Fire" they say

"Name: piss, Age: off, ability: burning your eyes out" I say, smile and drop into my corner and close my eyes, willing the dizziness to go away, and wait till the sound of shoes disappear down the hall.

When the feeling of blacking out passes, I grab the keys and rush to my door and try them out. Theres seven to try and the last one I try, because I'm unlucky, finally unlocks my door. I rush out without thinking and bump into someone, well a shadow. The hell?

"Watch it firey!" The shadow snarls

"Morris?" I ask astounded

He materialises in front of me, coming out of the shadows, "Who else?"

I leap on him, "Sunshine! I'm so happy to see you! How'd you escape?"

"Get off" he says and shoves me away, "and I didn't get caught"


He smirks and fades away. Oh!

"Right, darkness and crap" I say

He comes back, "yep"

"Do you know where everyone else is?" I ask

"No. Your the first one I've come across"


"Yea, I'm not to happy about seeing you either"

I glare at him and start walking away. I follow the way that the old guy and the women walk everyday, which is to the left of my cell, and come across another cell. I don't see anyone at first but then I notice a crumpled heap in one of the corners.

"LUCY!" I yell and start trying all the keys again

One finally clicks and I run into her cell, "Lucy, c'mon" I say and hear a groan in return


"Yea, it's me. What happened?" I ask

"They started shocking me with electrical currents. It hurt a lot" she says and smiles, it's not as bright as usual.

"Can you walk?" I ask

She nods and tries to stand. It's a little wobbly but she makes it up.

"Hey guys!" Morris yells, "hate to say this but there's people coming"

"Shit" I mutter, "get in here!" I yell, a plan forming

Morris walks in and I throw him the keys, "lock it and get over here"

He does as I say, "now Lucy lie back on the floor as you were, Morris grab my arm and go into the shadows"

"Sorry firey but that won't work"

"How do you know"

"I don't, it's just a feeling"

"Well do it against the feeling"

He does as I say, grabs my arm and goes into the shadows. I can't tell if it works but I have no time to ask because the people stop at Lucys' cell. They stare at her then, what it seems, straight at Morris and I. They whisper to each other then move on. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and Morris brings us back and out of the darkness.

"It worked!" I practically squeal

"it did" Morris says, "how'd you know it would?" He asks

I shrug, "I had a feeling" I mock and grab Lucy

"Now, let's get the others"

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