Chapter 21: Dreams Suck

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Fiamettas P.O.V
Twenty minutes later and we found a way to incorporate Demeter and Lucy into our plan. Lucy will be with Guthrie and I whilst Demeter is with the boys. The plans were perfect and set. We'd said that we'd all go tomorrow night at 11 o'clock. They wouldn't be expecting us.

Walking back into camp, we see that Cain is still napping. We stay quiet to make sure he doesn't wake up and see us sneaking back. It doesn't work out. Lucy trips and screams as she hits the ground. Cain wakes up with a jump to see us all in a frozen sneak pose. Crud.

"What the hell is going on?" Cain says drowsily

"Uhm...." Is all I can come up with

Lucy tries to stand back up but collapses with a whine and a wince. We all rush to her, forgetting all about what just happened.

"Where are you hurt?" I ask her

"Leg, my leg hurts really bad"

"What the hell did you trip on?" Morris questions

Lucy blushes as I check out her leg, "my feet" she squeaks out

I touch her ankle and she yelps. Found it. Cain puts his hands in her leg at the same time I do. It's like you see in the movies when two people go for the popcorn. It was awkward.

"Uhm, sorry Cain" I say and pull back

He smiles at me and puts his hand back on her leg. Morris looks at me then at Lucy's leg. I shake my head. Nows not the time for anyone else to know I can heal.

Water starts trickling from Cain's hand and wraps around Lucy's leg. Like my fire does, it covers her foot and stays for a few seconds before going away. Except with my fire, it fades into nothingness, the water however splashes and trickles down Lucy's leg.

Lucy carefully stands up with the rest of us and smiles at Cain.

"Thanks" she says

"No problem, I mean, we need everyone in top form" he says

We all look at him with questioningly. What's he on about?

"Guys, I woke up ten minutes before you all got back. I want to say, even though I hate this idea, I'm in on whatever your all doing" he smiles painfully at us all

"Cain, no, you don't have to do this" I begin

"Fia, I want to. I can do this, I need to do this"

I look at him and see the pain in his smile but there's determination in his eyes. He wants to do what his sister couldn't, he wants to take Kino down. I smile at him and nod. Then I look at Heath.

"Heath, go grab the plans. We need to fill Cain in" I say, he nods at me and rushes off back into the forest to grabs the ice block from under the tree.


Three hours later and we had filled Cain in and decided to go to bed. I hadn't exactly noticed how tired I was until everyone suggested it. I zonked out as soon as my head hit the ground.

In the dream I was back in the orphanage. I was playing with some of the little kids. Jamie and Lillie. We're playing tag, I'm 'it' and I'm running slowly so they can get away. We're all laughing and giggling at each other. I was about to catch Jamie when the scenery changed.

I was now standing alone and scared in an old burnt down building. Walking through the corridors I felt dream me tear up. I didn't understand why until I looked in one of the rooms. It was my room from the orphanage. My bed was still there, but only the frame of it. My cupboard still had some of my clothes in it, but they were all charred and blackened.

Then I heard it. Footsteps coming down the hall way, coming towards me. I hid in the back of the closet, where I had carved out a hole in the wall as a hiding place for myself. My books were still in there, completely untouched by the flames. The footsteps got closer and closer until they entered my room.

Dream me held her breath. I knew who it was before I saw their face, it was Shiny, the old scientist guy. What was he doing here?

He came over to my closet and grabbed out a box that was on my top shelf. Opening it he found my Teddy bear, Mr.Scruffy. He grabbed out the bear and sat on my bed frame simply looking at the bear. Then he started to cry.

I watched for a while then dust got in my nose and I sneezed. Shiny stopped crying and walked purposefully over to my hiding spot.

"Come out child" he sneered

I screamed and the woke up


It was daylight out when I sat up screaming. Everyone rushed over to my spot on the ground.

"Fia? Are you all right?!" Lucy asked

"Fine, fine" I say

"No you're not" Demeter says

I look them all in the eyes and sigh then tell them about my dream. Everyone looks at each other when I'm done and then back at me. Cain speaks up.

"Fia, we've all had dreams like that before. Not the exact same one, but usually straight after we have to run from our orphanages, our homes. It sort of like a vision I guess-"

"But why shiny? Crying, in my room, clutching my bear?! What's that meant to tell me?"

"I was getting to that. The people we see in these, now don't freak out, but the people we see in these are usually our parents"

I stare at him to make sure he's not joking. He's not, I can tell by the look in his eyes. Well, I think, that throws a huge curve ball in the works.

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