Chapter 10: Someone New

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Fiamettas P.O.V
We rush down the hall past many empty cells and others with things in them, things I don't feel safe about letting out. We run and run until we come across Guthrie, or what looks like him. He's lying against a wall, scorch marks all over him and bruises the size of tennis balls. I throw Lucy and Morris a key that belongs to Guthries cell and keep running.

I find Arrow next and I have half a mind to keep him there. He looks happy. Like nothing's happened to him. I unlock his cell and he turns his head at the noise. He smiles, stands and rushes over to me.

"Hey Fia!" He says and hugs me, "how'd you get out?"

"No time to explain. Have to find the others" I say, "Morris and Lucy are back there! Go to them" I yell and take off running again

I come across Demeter and Cain next. Both cells opposite each other. They both look half dead and it scares me. I may have only known them for less that 48 hours but seeing them this way makes me feel sick to the stomach. The way I usually felt when one of the orphans back home caught something really bad.

I unlock both cell doors. Demeter groans as I pick her up and half drag half carry her to Cain's cell. How the hell am I supposed to get us all out of here when three people can't walk? I think to myself and start pacing. I hear foot steps and stop. I hide in the shadows hoping that if it's someone from wherever we are they won't see me. Morris and the others hobble past and I whisper to them.

"Ok, we have everyone, now how are we gonna get out?" Lucy asks

"Morris, do you know where the entry is?" I ask

He nods his head, "it's back the other way. But how are we going to get everyone there without being seen?"

"Walk carefully? I don't know but we have to get out of here" I say, "Arrow and Lucy grab Cain and please be gentle"

Arrow and Lucy grab Cain and we all hobble out and back the way we came. We go as fast as possible with people on our backs. Even though Demeters small she weighs a fair amount which slows me down because, if you haven't noticed already, I'm quite unfit. Morris is ahead of us all somehow whilst carrying Guthrie.

We come across a few people with guns, whom I assume are the guards of the place, and end up stop, dropping and rolling into the closest open cell.

"Help! Help!" We hear and stop

The hell? Who is that? Where are they?

"On your left!" The voice whisper yells again and we look to see a hall filled with more cells. One of them has a head and arm sticking out if it waving at us. A boy. Around 17-18 with white hair and striking gold eyes. No seriously they're gold! Like the sun gold. And his hair is white as in paper white! Blindingly white!

"Yea, hi! Mind helping me out here?" He asks

I give him my best glare. "Why? Who says we should?"

"Because I can help and I say you should"

"How do we know we can trust you?" I ask, ice in my voice

He grins at me. "You don't and that's the best part" his eyes sparkle and I give up, drop Demeter and unlock his door

"Oh cool thank you!" He beams, "The names Heath"

"Fiametta, but introductions can wait. We've gotta get out of here"

I grab Demeter off the floor and put her back on my shoulders.

"Morris! How much further?"

"At the end of this hall Firey!"

"Thanks sunshine"

We run now, not caring if anyone sees us, we're out of here. We come to the end and Morris pushes open the metal door. We're underground. How do I know? The ceiling is made of dirt. I see cars. This must be their garage.

"Morris! What now?"

"I don't know. I didn't think this far ahead!"

Great. I start to think. Looking around I see the the way the tunnel goes that will lead us to the exit. That's the good news. The bad news is there are guards coming from behind us.

"Morris! Car, the last one! Let's go" I yell

We rush over and toss our friends in the trunk whilst the rest of us get in the front. Great, no keys.

"Arrow, mind starting us up?" I ask impatiently

He winks at me, "no problem"

He puts his hands in the dash board and I see sparks come from his hands then the car starts up.

Morris puts it in drive and we fly down the tunnel.

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