Chapter 11: Finally Out

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Fiamettas P.O.V
We manage to get out of the tunnel in no time. Trouble is, we haven't any clue where we are.

"Hey guys, not meaning to alarm you but we've got trouble on our tail" yells Heath

"I'm going out the back to try and slow them down, don't stop driving no matter what"

"What if you fall off?!" Lucy says hysterically

I look her dead in the eye, "you keep driving"

I rush off through a little doggy door like thing in the back of the truck and come into the metal trunk thing. This is how we came into the cells, now this is how we leave.

I open the back doors to see at least 10 cars following us. Their occupants have guns. Fun, I was hoping to get shot today.

I take a deep breath and channel my anger and hatred. They hurt my friends, they killed the orphans. Flames go up my arms and I'm ready to fight.

"Want some help?" Heath asks, eyes wide when he notices the fire

"If you want to get shot then sure, help" I say

I start throwing flames at the cars, two get hit but they keep going.

Frost starts to appear on the road and I look beside to me to see Heath with ice coming out of his hands. Cool.

The cars slip sideways and that's when I strike them. This is working! Down to eight cars I start to believe we can escape! Then they start shooting at us. I put up a wall of fire, hoping that'll stop them but it doesn't and I get hit in the shoulder. I scream then let out a growl of rage.

I feel my vision go blurry and then pass out. Head pounding and screaming all around. Oh god, please don't let anything bad of happened.


Opening my eyes I'm blinded by the sun. No wait, it's Lucy. I groan and go to shield them with my right arm but I feel pain shoot down it. I let out a gasp of pain.

"Jesus Fia! Don't move!" Lucy says exasperated and finishes bandaging up my shoulder.

I sit up when she's done and look at my surroundings. The woods. We're in an opening on the middle of the woods. Great.

"Where's the car?" I ask

"Hidden over there" Guthrie cuts in and points towards a tree where the car is hidden

"How the hell did we get it in?"

"Morris has skills" Lucy says

Them I notice that Guthrie talked to me. He's up! I look and see that so is Demeter and Cain! They look at me and smile.

"Hey Fia. Glad you could join the land of the living" Cain says

"Glad you guys aren't dead" I say back

I smile at everyone and notice Heath isn't here. I start to get worried. Did I hit him with my fire? Did he get caught? Oh my god is he dead?!

Seeing my worried expression Lucy decides to chime in and help me out.

"You're worried about Heath aren't you?" She asks

I nod

"He's just on look out. But I don't think anyone is still after us. You kinda shot fire at all of them and the cars blew up."

I gasp. His could I have done that? I didn't want to kill anyone! I just wanted them to stop following us. I'm a horrible person.

"Oh my god" is all I manage out and yet it's merely a squeak

"Hey hey" Cain says and comes and hugs me, "it's all good. We're safe aren't we?"

"I know but I killed them! Me! I killed people" I say sobbing

I don't know whether I was sobbing because of the pain in my arm or because I killed people or both! I just felt horrible. All those people dead. What a cruddy way to die. In a car explosion caused by some freak with fire powers.

"I'm a monster" is all I manage out before I begin to cry hysterically

"No Fia! No you're not! You're a lovely human! You just lost control after being shot  that's all" Cain says rubbing my back, "we all know you didn't mean to kill them, right guys?" He asks our group

"You were just saving us" Guthrie says and everyone nods

I wipe tears from my eyes and stand up. My moment of sadness is over. Now we have to forge a plan to get the hell out of this place and preferably somewhere safe. A city? That might work but eight orphans in the city wouldn't be good. We seem to already be in the country region so we can't go there. The beach? But where is the beach? How would we get there? Oh god this is hopeless.

Cain then places his hand on my shoulder and water come from his hand. My arm goes numb as it gets covered in water. As the water leaves, my arm is better. No wound or anything.

I was about to ask what happened when I hear running coming from my left and turn to see Heath coming towards us. His face is all red and he's huffing.

"Coming. People. Things. Coming." He puffs out but we know what he means

There's people headed our way. We have to prepare to fight.

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