1. ♡Café Meetup♡

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Author's Note:

Play music for better experience<3


I drink my coffee and eat my donut snacks as usual in my favorite Café called "Ginza Renoir" And I love drinking here everyday! It's always so quiet and there may not be much people but that's the best part. Drinking peacefully with no one to disturb you...well.. that is what I thought , until now. 

Hello my name is F/N L/N and I'm 23 years old. I am a new member of the Armed Detective Agency and I'm planning to go to work today.. hopefully it ends up being a peaceful trip to the office.. 

As i drink my coffee peacefully a man approaches my table "Well hello there , mind I sit here?" before I can reply the man suddenly sits on the opposite side of the table and smiles at me eagerly. He wore bandages all over (his neck,arm etc) and wore a tan colored trench coat and had quite fluffy and soft looking hair. 

"What's your name pretty lady?" The man with bandages asks me with an eager smile to get to know me. 

"I'm F/N L/N, what about yours?" I say as i sigh, obviously i didn't wanna question this sudden man randomly sitting on the opposite side of me because he would just laugh it off based on my assumption. So i just play along with him. 

The man smiles at me and lets out his hand for me to shake it. "My name is Dazai Osamu, you can call me Dazai..or whatever you like~" Dazai says as he smiles at me widely. 

I put my hand on his and he shakes it lightly, His hands are quite soft.. slender and pretty I will not lie, but that's won't distract me from the fact he just randomly invaded my table.

"Sorry for intruding the table by the way, I just felt like you were quite lonely~ I hope you feel way less lonely now, my dear." Dazai says with a energetic smile, waiting for my response. 

"Ah..I don't mind at all, it's fine. I'm glad to have some company" I say with a polite smile, but to be honest I really like not having company. I suddenly notice Dazai taking one of my donuts and I turn my focus back to him and avoid my thoughts. 

"Don't mind if I do!" Dazai says as he takes one of my donuts and eats it. I stare at him dumbfounded on why he'd just take a random girl's donuts. How disrespectful? Can't I just eat in peace? I really wish this man would leave me alone. ' I think to myself in disbelief '

I stare at the mind silently as he eats my donuts and i sigh to myself, hoping he'd leave soon. Dazai suddenly looks at me and randomly pats my head. "I really hope you don't mind me eating the donuts, I'll pay for us as much as you like. You deserve it." He says with a polite smile. 

I look at him and exchange a polite smile back, not really meaning the smile. I don't know why but..there's something off about him, i just can't find the reason. I feel like he has some sort of motive, I hope not, But for now i'll be careful. ' I think to myself feeling a bit nervous with his request '

"I'm sorry but I have work, besides you don't have to, trust me." I say with a small smile, hoping he leaves me alone. I don't trust him and this time I really should go with my gut. 

"Oh..that's fine..." he says in a quiet tone, I start to get suspicious of his sudden quietness and decide to call it a day. I stand up from my chair and pack my bag and pay the bill.

"Thank you for your time, Mr.Dazai. I really enjoyed the time I spent with you!" I say in a cheerful tone as i smile at him, The smile and tone is a facade because to be honest, i felt quite...weird.. sitting with him. 

Before I can leave Dazai suddenly grabs my hand with a smile and hands me a closed piece of paper. I open the piece of paper and read it "*********** - my num / Call me if you need sweet F/N!~ - Dazai Osamu :)" 

i slightly smile as I read the note and turn my head towards him, but he's gone. Huh where'd he go? He was just standing here a few seconds ago..  ' I think to myself in confusion as I look left and right to see where he went ' 

I sigh and decide to ignore the sudden disappearance of the strange man and hold the piece of paper softly in my hands as I smile. i have to admit..I don't know why I liked his note so much.. ' I think to myself with a smile as i hold the paper close to my chest and smile softly '  

Well I should hurry to my first day of work, Or I might be late.. 

Armed Detective Agency , here I come!!

Author's Note: 

{ Woo finally finished this chapter, it's been quite a while since I made a chapter in Wattpad.. (while as in 2 years lol..) So I'm very excited to go onto the next chapter, Hope you all stay tuned for the next one. I'll make sure to make it super fun for you simps~   - Peace outt!! }

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