4. ♡I Think I Like You♡

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Author's Note: 

Enjoy/Play the music for better experience reading<3


This chapter is going to be a filler chapter , also in F/N's POV and mainly fluff , so hope you all enjoy!  


I wake up with the sound of trees swaying side to side and birds tapping on my window, I also hear the sound of kids playing outside and splashing on the puddles of finished rain. I wake up as I yawn and rub my eyes, quite tired but also great since I had slept well. I suddenly think about last night. 

Ah.. Dazai.. I almost forgot about yesterday.. silly me....  ' I say as i sigh happily and think about yesterday ' 

"I enjoyed my time a lot with you too, Sweet F/N"  ' I suddenly remember those last words Dazai had told me before I left the bar yesterday and  hug pillow tightly and fall back on my bed, thinking about him again ' 

" What is wrong with me? I never felt this way before, Is this normal? Is this how friends think about eachother?" I think to myself with a smile, thinking about all of Dazai's features and his mannerisms. 

Ah.. the way he talked, spoke, touched my hand lightly... ahhh.. Is this how friendship feels like? ' I think to myself as I smile wider, my cheeks getting slightly red at the feeling of having a friend, I feel so happy that I finally have a friend to talk to and spend my time with. '  

" I should really stop rolling around my bed and thinking about yesterday and get to work, I have so much work to doo!! " I say as i whine sadly, i sigh and get up my bed and put the pillow aside as I fix my bed. 

I go to the washroom and brush my teeth and wash my face, I go to the kitchen and see dishes in the sink and frown. "Of course my parents left the dishes in the sink, I'm guessing they're not home.." I say as I walk up to the sink and pull up my sleeves. I wash the dishes in frustration as I keep on trying to lift my sleeves up so they don't fall down. 

After washing the dishes I walk back up stairs and open my closet. Maybe I should go outside? huh.. I've never felt the urge to be this productive before, how unusual for me.. ' I think to myself as I grab an outfit I really like from the closet' 

" This should suit me! I never really wore this dress much~ " I say with a big smile as I wear the dress, I spray some perfume and tie my hair into a simple hairstyle and take my small bag and pouch and head out. 

As I walk to the house exit, I grab my little cherry blossom decorations and transparent see through umbrella and head out. As I walk out the house, I see that the sun is quite bright today but dark clouds are still there , the trees still swaying like it did when I woke up and the small puddles on the side of the road. I notice small drizzling and take out my umbrella as I walk down the pathway of the road. I see a nearby café and smile more brightly and see it's the same café where me and Dazai first met. 

Dazai... oh come on, stop thinking about him! what's wrong with you F/N?!  ' I think to myself as I shake my head in frustration to snap out of it '   why do i keep on thinking about him?.. 

I walk inside the café with a small smile and notice there's only 7 people, hm I wonder why more people don't come here, the coffee and small snacks are awesome,  but I'm glad honestly. Since I don't want to risk annoying customers coming here and ruining the peace. 

I sit at a small table near the window, in the corner of the shop. It has quite a view here, I can look at other people and analyze them and it's probably has one of the most cleanest windows on this corner. A waitress approaches me and smiles. 

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