16. ༺Prisoner༻

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You find yourself chained up to the wall, your wrists hurt and your body felt sore and weak. The dark you were trapped in was dimly lit and had a red light shining from up the stairs, it was the only light you could see. The room looked like many people might've been captured here and possibly died, how disturbing. 

You slowly try to struggle out of the chains that have you chained up to the wall, but obviously, it will not budge. You hear sudden footsteps from up the stairs, a small chuckle being more audible and a small figure of a man with maybe a small hat appears. 

"Well well if it isn-" The man says but then abruptly stops as he fully gets down the stairs. He wore a fedora hat, His outfit consists of a white button-up shirt under a dark red vest, a black choker, a black ribbon bolo tie held with a small silver buckle, an open black cropped jacket with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, black slacks, a black belt hanging off his right hip and black low-arch shoes. He had ginger red-ish hair with blue eyes that shined even in the darkness, like a cat, except more tiny. 

"Wait.. you aren't Dazai!" He says with an annoyed expression as he sighs, he seemed to have wanted to see Dazai for some odd reason, probably not a good reason though. As you hear the name ' Dazai ' come out of his mouth, you start to struggle more out of the chains. 

"It's no use, those chains won't come off unless you got some trick up your sleeves like that mackerel always has." He says with an annoyed expression, it seems this 'mackerel' he talks about seemingly a lot, might be Dazai. Your eyes widen as you realize he really is talking about Dazai then sigh with slight anger, assuming this strange man might be part of the reason to why Dazai is missing. 

"Where the hell have you kept him?" You ask with a hint of anger found in your voice. 

"Who?" He asks with a tired and annoyed face, obviously still annoyed by the fact he wasn't able to beat up Dazai. 

"Dazai! your prisoner!! who else??" You mention demandingly.

Chuuya suddenly chuckles then charges forward towards you but stops right near you while he holds a dagger right by your throat with a cocky smirk. Your eyes widen and you gulp in fear since you assumed that he was gonna hurt you. He chuckles once more then puts the dagger back in his pocket and places both his hands in his pockets as well, his tone nonchalant and seemingly sounding bored. 

"I haven't seen that idiot in ages, is he missing or something?" Chuuya asks with a smug smile on his face.

"Yes, he is, I'm surprised the Port Mafia doesn't have him." You mention with an upset expression, You had hoped to find him at least here, but it was no use. Chuuya's eyes widen as he hears you say that then his jaw drops.

"No way! Did that mackerel finally die? good riddance" He says with a small smirk and chuckle, "How'd you know I was in the Port Mafia though?" 

You look him up and down then a small smirk creeps upon your face as you sigh, "How can I not know?" You giggle a bit "You all dress up like a bunch of teenage edge lords" You say with a small smile. 

Chuuya grunts in annoyance, steam basically escaping his ears as his face is turned red from annoyance and embarrassment from the comment, "I look cool as an edge lord?! the hell you mean??" He says in a defensive tone as he grunts once more like some sort of cave man.

You giggle then look at him, meeting his eye level, "What's your name? you seem fun, well.. for a Port Mafia member." You ask with a cheerful smile.

He slight smirks and then takes off his Fedora hat and dramatically puts it back, "I'm Chuuya, Chuuya Nakahara.. what's yours??" He asks with a small smirk as he puts his hands back in his pocket. 

As you hear the name your eyes widen quickly, your voice becomes shaky as you stare at him in shock. ' Chuuya...?... Nakahara...? where have I heard tha- '  You suddenly get your chain of thoughts interrupted by your realization, Chuuya Nakahara from the sheep.. the guy who I vented to a bit that one terrifying day. 

"Chuuya?.. as in.. the guy from the Sheep?" You ask with widened eyes, he looks at you for a while and his smirk slowly fades away, he grips on his knife and charges at you, stopping the knife right by my neck. "Don't you dare mention the sheep." He says with a strange mix of anger, sadness and disappointment in his eyes and voice. 

"I'm guessing things didn't go well for you and the sheep?" You say as a sigh escaping your lips. He looks at you blankly for a while, not saying a word, you slowly gulp then nod silently. "Yeah.. I'll shut up now-" 

"Who are you? how do you know about me and the sheep?" Chuuya suddenly interrupts you with a question, his voice filled with curiosity and sadness. You look at him and sigh once more, smiling softly at him, "My name is F/N, I hope you remember me." You say with a small smile. He looks at you with widened eyes then looks away. "Yea, I remember you.." He says in almost a whisper, suddenly his phone rings and he picks it up. 

"Yes, boss. I understand.. yes yes." As Chuuya picks up the phone and starts talking, suddenly his eye twitches and his voice grows slightly loud, "THE HELL DO YOU MEAN THAT MACKERAL IS FOUND?" He yells a bit, forgetting you're right behind him, chained to the wall. 

"Wait.." your eyes widen "Dazai.. is found?!" You ask in a panicked voice, "Is he oka-" Chuuya suddenly interrupts you again by putting a knife inches from your throat.

"Shut the hell up. I'll take care of him, you aren't going anywhere." Chuuya says with an irritated tone. "Please, I promise I won't run away, let me see him." You ask with a panicked and concerned tone. Chuuya suddenly looks away and turns away, his back facing you.

He suddenly kicks the chains with his leg in one full swoop, causing it to break, thankfully you didn't get your arm hit instead. His turns back to the stairs, motioning you to follow him. 

"He's in the hospital, let's hurry, quick." He says with a tone, filled with both annoyance and slight.. guilt?

"The hospital..?" Your eyes widen as you hear that part come out of his mouth, then shake your head back to reality.

"Let's hurry." You say with a serious tone and voice as you follow Chuuya out of the room. 

Author's Note: 

{ Woo finally finished this chapter! hope ya'll are ready for the next chapter, cuz it's gonna be angst, hehehee. Hope you all are having an awesome day! Be prepared for the next chapter!! } 

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