13. ♡Opened Wounds♡

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Typical Dazai warnings and slight mentions of abuse


"Still the same petite crybaby as always, eh?"

You hear in the darkness, the voices pounding louder and louder into your eardrums, making it feel like it will break apart any second. 

"Shut up."

You say in a voice filled with fear and rage, I do not wanna hear my mom's voice again. 

"You're stuck here forever, with my voice, I will always be ingrained in your memories."

A familiar and feminine but stern voice says, it's my mother. 
You turn back to see a white glowing 'human' traced figure with black circle for eyes, standing in the darkness, watching you. It's eyes are piercing through your soul, it feels like it's eating you alive with it's menacing stare. A bead of sweat drops down your chin as you feel its stare getting wider but then you look away in fear. 

"You're still scared aren't you?" 

The glowing figure says in a dark and stern voice, the figure slowly smiles, but it's smile is hollow. When it opens its 'mouth' , the only thing you can see inside it darkness. It has no teeth, no tongue, no face other than it's creepy circle eyes and dark mouth,  it's just nothing. 

"You sound like my.. mom.. but you don't look like at her even a bit" 

You say while trying to put up a brave face and persona, You did not want to seem weak to her. The figure chuckles menacingly a bit, the chuckle sending a slight shiver down your spine as you back away one step from the figure. It slowly approaches you and then leans close to your ear.

"But in your eyes, I'm No Longer considered a Human. So why do you care if I'm some figure?"

The voice says, your eyes widen and you push away the glowing figure from reflex, your hands are shaking and your body is trembling fear. You wonder why you feel so intimated and scared. 

"Where.. am I?"

You ask in gloomy tone, you wanted to get out of this dark hole that you somehow got into to. The last thing you remember is sleeping next to Dazai, you can't remember anything after that. 

"You're in--"

Before the figure can continue speaking with its creepy smile, the whole black void starts to shake as if an earth quake is happening. Your body falls backwards and you hit your head hard on the ground, you grunt and rub the back of your head from the pain you felt and then look at the figure. You notice the figure slowly fades away like the burning ashes of flower petals and look at it in confusion. The figure smiles at you and then slowly closes its eyes and embraces the feeling of disappearing into the darkness. 

"He's waiting, I bet you miss him."  The figure says with a smile, as it says that, it finally fades away, leaving you alone in the dark void that keeps on shaking as if there's an earthquake. You try to get up but you tumble backwards again, this time you sink into the ground. 


"Are you alright, F/N-San?"

A woman with a worried voice asks as you gasp for air when you open your eyes. You slowly open your eyes but the lady's face is completely blurred. You rub your eyes and the lady slowly sits down on the bed you're on while patting your back for comfort. As your eyes slowly adjust.. you realize it's..

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