9. ༺I Met You༻

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Author's Note: 

Please play the music to enjoy the experience, and don't forget to leave the music on loop so that it won't finish quick! <3

Warning: This chapter contains su!cide, abu$e, all angst and disturbing messages.

DISCLAIMER: Almost this entire chapter will be using slanted words (Ex: like this ) as a way to describe a backstory or memory.


All of a sudden I feel.. less cold.. ' why does my body not hurt anymore? I'm supposed to be dead. What the hell is happening? ' 

' I sit up and look at my body, I'm not bleeding anymore.. and I'm not dead.. wait am I dead dreaming? '  I quickly pinch myself but then squeak in pain, looks like I am alive. What the hell happened though? wait.. 

I look at my arms and realize it's glowing, ' why is my hand glowing? Is it.. my ability? did I heal myself? I thought my ability was only controlling memories?.. '

I slowly get up from the puddle of blood as I stare at my parent's dead bodies blankly. They're dead.. and it's all my fault. It's always my fault, I'm always the reason people leave me or get injured. If I was never born, they wouldn't be dead right, they would be.. happy.

I slowly walk to the washroom and wash my face from splashes of blood and walk out the door, not caring that there's my dad's blood on my shirt. It's the only remaining thing left of him, even though it's messed up or weird for me to keep this shirt like this.. I don't want to lose the remaining thing I have of my dad. 

I walk in a forest in the dark night, the moon light slowly facing me, it's as if it's judging me and my every movement. As I walk in the dark forest I hear distant wave sounds and quickly run to where the sound was coming from, It's a small beach, it's the same beach where I met Chuuya.

I see a boulder near the shore and sit on it silently as I watch the ocean waves dance side to side. The moonlight only hits my hands and it makes it look as if my hands are glowing, how beautiful. I slowly close my eyes to feel soft breeze flowing and dancing slowly, the breeze softly caresses my hair and pulls me into a cold and comfortable embrace, I want to stay like this forever.

All of a sudden I hear rustling sounds behind me and quickly turn back as I get ready to pull out a dagger from my shirt, My eyes widen at the sight. It's a man with a long black trench coat and white faded colors on the tip of his hair, he looks tired and his skin is kind of pale. 

"Who are you?"

The strange man homeless looking man asks

"I'm F/N L/N, Who are you?"

The man narrows his eyes at me and sighs, he puts his hands inside his pocket of his trench coat and turns his back towards me, his hair flowing side to side like the soft waves. 

"I'm Ryunosuke Akutagawa, I'm in the Port Mafia." 

As the man mentions the word Port Mafia, my eyes widen as I stare at him for a while in confusion. Where did I hear Port Mafia before? 

Akutagawa suddenly says the word "Rashomon" and suddenly a black like monster appears behind him. It looks so spiky and has a red like aura around it. My eyes widen as I try to back away, Is that his ability? It looks kind of cool.

"Your ability is looks pretty cool and useful." 

I say as I stop backing away and look at his ability with an impressed expression. The black like ability suddenly stops in front of my face since it was planning to attack me then goes back to Akutagawa. I quickly look up in confusion as to why his ability retreated.

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