15. ༺Undefeated By The Rain༻

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"He's.. what now?" I ask Kunikida with a concerned expression. Dazai is.. missing?

"He's missing." Kunikida says with a serious expression as he sighs. The entirety of the Armed Detective Agency had joined together on a meeting to talk about Dazai's disappearance. The room's curtains were half closed and the lights were dim, everyone was sitting on long couches silently and the room was filled with air of despair.

"There's no way he's just gonna disappear like that, you sure he isn't planning anything again?" I ask Kunikida as I slightly glance at Atsushi. Atsushi looked worried and panicked as he fidgeted with his fingers while his leg bounced up and down frantically. "Or what if.. his attempt worked?!" Atsushi says in a panicked and stressed voice as he starts to fidget with his fingers even faster, he seems so worried about him, and I don't blame him. I pat Atsushi's head lightly to make his snap back to reality and smile at him softly as he turns his head to me slowly with a panicked expression.

"It's fine Atsushi, don't assume the worst, I'm sure he's okay.." I say as I pat Atsushi's back with a reassuring back, I'm horrible at comforting but I hope that made him feel better.. ' I think to myself as Atsushi slowly takes deep breathes to calm himself down '
I'm sure he's okay, we'll find him no time because we're the detective agency-


"You can't find him.. anywhere??.." I ask the police men who were investigating some DNA samples found of Dazai near a bank, one of the police men shake their head and go back to their car and drive off while calling someone. I stare at the car as it drives off, completely in shock.

They had informed me that Dazai was no where to be seen, well.. nowhere to be seen.. in Japan.

How is it possible that Dazai disappeared like that? He can't just leave whenever he wants to.. there's no way he'll leave me again. He won't.. he shouldn't.. NO HE'LL LEAVE ME-

"Hey, you okay lady?" I hear a sudden voice interrupt my thoughts and I immediately snap back to reality, I zoned out.. again. "Kenji.." I say as I turn my head to face the boy, his straw hat was still on and his clothes were ruffled but clean, he looked so cheerful and bright, as always. Everyone else seemed so upset and worried and the whole agency looked gloomy all day, except him, he always seemed so cheerful and not worried at all.

I smile at Kenji a bit and nod silently, "Yes, I'm okay.." I say in a quiet voice, it was obvious by my expression that I was worried and upset at the same time. "Well you don't look okay.." Kenji says with a slight pout, he suddenly grabs my wrist lightly, motioning his hand towards the agency door. "Let's get some food! that might cheer you up~" Kenji suggests as he opens the agency door with a bright smile, I smile back at him and nod silently as I follow Kenji.


I sit down outside the restaurant, it had a lot of F/F and F/D and the place had dim lights but pretty yellow lights. "Hey Kenji let's eat-" before I can ask Kenji if he wanted to eat, I turn my head to him and notice he already started eating, he must be hungry- wait.. is he eating..

"Why.. are you eating.. cow meat?.." I ask as I look at Kenji with a dumbfounded expression with my jaw hanging down, He looks at me with a confused expression as he munches on the food with a sparkling eyes. "Why not?" He says as he keeps on eating, "Because.. you like and raise cows.." I say as I look at Kenji with a concerned but dumbfounded expression. Kenji says nothing as he giggles and eats his food slowly, I decide to stay quiet since he's busy eating.

"So, what is Dazai to you, nice lady?" Kenji suddenly asks me, causing me to choke on my food. Kenji looks at me with a concerned expression as he quickly pours me a glass of water and gives it to me, "Sorry sorry! I didn't mean to make you choke on your food!!" Kenji says with a concerned expression and voice, I smile softly at him as I clear my throat and shake my head in denial at him. "Don't worry Kenji, you're fine, no need to apologize, thank you." I say with a smile as I reach out for the glass.


Before I can take the glass from him, Kenji grips on it too tight causing it to shatter. Me and Kenji silently look at each other, completely dumbfounded and then all of a sudden we both start to panic. I ask for the waiter for a wet cloth and as I receive it, I quickly wrap it around Kenji's bleeding hands. His hands were having a bit shards of broken glass inside and I slowly pull them out and quickly wrap the wet cloth around his hands and tie it tightly in order for the blood to stop pouring out.

"Are you okay-" before I can ask Kenji anything he suddenly takes another towel and wipes it on my shirt, which was a bit wet from the water that spilled out of the shattered glass, "Hey hey I'm fine Kenji, you need more attention than me" I say as I slowly take Kenji's wrist to stop him from trying to dry the water from my shirt.

"Hey Kenji it's fine, I'm okay, you need more help then me, continue eating please, don't bother me" I say with a smile as I motion him to sit back down and continue eating, he smiles at me softly and nods and continues to eat.


Kenji fell asleep..

He ate again and of course, because of his ability, he fell asleep, poor guy. I slowly pick him up and put him on my shoulder as I carry him back to the agency, i wonder where he lives, I've never seen him stay in the agency dorms so.. where could he be living?

Time skip: Few minutes later

I finally reach the agency door and unlock it with my spare key and enter it. I slowly place Kenji on the couch and look around the agency to see if anyone's inside.

"My my~ why are you here so late?" I hear a sudden voice inside the infirmary room. "Ms. Yosano.." I mutter softly as I notice her leaning on the door frame with a smile, she slowly approaches me and glances at the sleeping body of Kenji on the couch and pats his head. "I'm guessing he ate too much again?" She asks me with a smile. I smile back at her and nod, "yes... I was wondering where he lives so I can drop him off" I say as I look at Kenji and giggle a bit as he drools a tiny bit.

"He lives in a farm house" Yosano says with a smile with her arms crossed, I look at her in shock and then stare at Kenji who's sleeping, "A farm? you're kidding.." I say as I stare at her in disbelief, but at the same time, what was I expecting? he did live in a village after all, so what am I expecting?

Yosano chuckles at my reaction and pats my head , "What do you expect? He can't really sleep without his cows" She says with a smile. I smile back at her and nod "I guess so.." 

I suddenly get an idea, "Why don't I take Kenji to his farm- I mean home?" I ask with an awkward smile, Yosano smiles back at me. "Yeah sure, here's the address" Yosano says as she hands me a piece of paper with his home address. 

"One more thing" she says with a smile as she puts a hand on my shoulder.

"What is it?" I ask with a curious look on my face.

"Be careful, try not to end up like Dazai." 

"...yes.. I'll make sure to be careful, and find him." 

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