7. ༺Racheal༻

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Author's Note:

Please play the music to enjoy your experience<3

WARNING: This chapter contains mentions of abu$e, murder, su!cide , s3lf harm and slight g0re and disturbing content. Please click away if uncomfortable.


Both you and Dazai slowly get out of the cab as it drives off when you both get out. The whole atmosphere of the place is weird, the grey clouds are covering the sky completely, there's no one in the neighborhood walking around and there's no sound at all, other than the trees with no leaves swaying side to side and the wind blowing softly. I take out a jacket from my bag and put it on, it's pretty cold. Me and Dazai both walk up to house that looked broken down and old, it looked like those generic haunted house except there's writings all over the walls of the house and dead animals on the ground steps of the house.

Me and Dazai both gulp and look at each other as we step on the stairs slowly and knock on the door, no one answered.

We both knock a few more times but still, no one answered. Me and Dazai both decide it's best to spread paths and search for clues around the house. Dazai tries to get in the house and I'll head to the basement.

I slowly open the door to the basement, and there's a small bunch of stairs inside. I step inside carefully and close the door behind me as I walk down the stairs, It's pretty dark and you can hear water dripping sounds inside. I turn on my flashlight and walk down the stairs, thankfully it wasn't a long way of stairs and I ended up reaching a room pretty quick. I put the flashlight on top of a shelf and see a cupboard and on top of it is a cd player with 6 CDs next to it. I also notice so many papers and files stacked up on a table.

I decide it's best if I put the CDs in my bag and play it one by one. I also shove the files and papers inside my bag so I won't lose the evidence incase something happens. I take out a CD and put it inside the CD player and press play, hopefully it works.

All of a sudden the CD player makes a bunch of glitching sounds and it then plays. I gulp and drop a cold sweat as I squeeze my hands, impatiently waiting for the audio to play.


" нєℓℓσ? ι нσρє уσυ ¢αη нєαя мє. ωαιт ℓєт мє נυѕт.. *static sounds* I think the audio works now!! I hope so... heh. Hello, This is Racheal.. ah yes.. I forgot to mention.. this is Day 1 of my audio login. My father finally brought me a CD player.. so cool!! I never really got to do this daily diary entry type of stuff.. except it's technically an audio entry *giggles*. Anyways, I'm going to talk about what happened today, because that's how diar-- *fixes throat* audio entries! are supposed to work. Today at work I finally got best pet care taker award! I'm super happy. The animals in the pet shop really love me and I love them too. They're so fun to talk with and hang out with, I really love them, Just like how much I love my dad!! hehe~ *static sounds* Oh mann.. looks like I have to go now, Father finally brought some pizza with vegetable toppings.. yumm. I had so much fun doing the audio entry, I hope I get more time to do this. Bye Bye!! "

I slowly smile at the CD as I take it outside the CD player and place it inside my bag. She seems- .. seemed.. to have been the most happiest child ever. I take out CD number 2 and place it inside the CD player with a small smile, less nervous about the CD since it seems to not be disturbing as I expected.


" Oh my god! finally I found my recorder! I thought I lost it.. I spent the past 2 days trying to find the recorder ahh! how forgetful of me... Soo today was um.. weird? Everyone at school was staring at me with disgusted faces and my friends have been avoiding me, I hope I didn't do anything wrong.. But it's fine though, because I got my amazing father. Though.. speaking of him, Father has been coughing so much nowadays, he keeps on saying he just has a sore throat a lot from talking so much, but I don't believe him. Why would father lie to me? hmph! how mean.. Anyways, I hope father will get better soon and that my friends will stop avoiding me. Maybe I was a bit stinky! maybe that's why they avoided me!! hehe~ They'll never hate me.. *static noises* I'm sure of it.. *more static noises* I'm.. very.. sure.. hehe. Anyways, Bye Bye!!"

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