|2| Wrong One

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Do you prefer savory or sweet foods? 🍕🍔🍟——🍫🧁🍰
I prefer savory, I like sweet stuff here and there.


I slowly blink my eyes open, trying to adjust to the light. My head is pounding, probably from where they knocked me out. I rotate my neck trying to work out the stiffness in it. How long have I been out for? I take in my surroundings, noting that there's not much to take in. It's mainly dark besides the light coming from the door in front of me.

My hands are tied together with rope in front of me, as well as my legs. Whoever tied these must be a professional. Kinky.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when the door opens and a man I don't recognize walks in. He flips on a light switch and I squint trying to adjust to the harsh light. When my eyes finally adjust, I take in his appearance for a quick moment. Short curly black hair, soft chocolate brown eyes, and a sharp jaw. He's wearing a black suit with a few buttons undone on his white dress shirt. Those muscles too, I think I might pass out. He's very built like he works out a lot. He's so handsome, that the thought that he most likely helped in my kidnapping almost slipped my mind.

"Alexia. So we meet again," the man says with a rich accent. It's the same accent I heard the guy kidnapping me use. It sounds like Italian. Woo, someone help me that's hot.

Hold the fucking phone. Who is Alexia?

"Who is Alexia?" I ask, genuinely confused. Last time I checked, my name was Sabrina. At least that's what all my information says and what my family have been calling me all these years.

"Don't play dumb, cagna," he walks further up to me. It's only when he tilts my head up with a gun that I start to feel truly scared. My eyes widen and he smirks down at me. (Bitch)

"I don't know why you're smiling, but I'm not Alyssa. My name is Sabrina, so who is you," I say to him trying to shift in my chair.

He grips my chin roughly, and by the look in his eye I know I done pissed him off. Just as he's about to snap, a younger boy maybe in high school comes running in. Light blond hair all over the place, and he's a lot shorter compared to the guy in front of me. He looks terrified as he continues to glance at me then back to the man in front of me.

"Sir, we have a problem," he says keeping his eyes on the ground. He fidgets nervously and I honestly feel kind of bad for him.

"Whatever it is, get Ales to handle it," he says not breaking eye contact with me. I stare right back and blink at him. I wonder when this turned into a staring contest.

"Sir, um, I'm talking a-about her," he says, nodding in my direction. His hand is visibly shaking and it's probably because he knows that they fucked up.

"What about Alexia?" he says through clenched teeth, clearly getting aggravated. He turns to the younger boy, and I didn't think it was possible that he could shake any harder.

"T-that's n-not Alexia, s-sir," he stutters breathing even heavier now. So they kidnapped the wrong person. I don't even know what's going on but by the way he's scared and how the man in front of me looks, I know things are about to go down.

"What do you mean, this is not her?" he says through clenched teeth. "Capo, gave you all explicit orders to bring in Alexia. You all had un lavoro," he says as he turns his attention to the younger boy. I'm not going to lie he's incredibly scary. I thought I seen scary a couple of minutes ago when he was getting angry at me, but that does not compare to now. (Boss) (one job)

I look at the boy and he's gone completely pale. He's shaking so hard that I think he might pass out right now.

"W-we made a m-mistake," he says and if that didn't piss him off even more than this did. "S-she got away, like completely e-escaped the country. W-we lost all c-connection to her," he says, still fidgeting with his hands.

That's all it takes for the man to point his gun at the young boy, shooting him dead in the forehead.

I sit there wide eyed, mouth gaped open. He just killed him. I can hardly process what happening when he takes out his phone, calling someone.

It rings for a bit, before someone picks up and he starts firing at them in rapid Italian. After a few minutes, he hangs up and looks at me.

"I told you I wasn't Alexa," I state before I clamp my mouth shut, realizing it's probably not a good idea to say anything. I mean he literally just shot someone.

He glares at me before turning around and walking out the door, slamming it shut behind him. So rude.

I sigh out, because I'm frustrated, hungry, and sleepy. I honestly rather be at the cafe working, than here not knowing whether I'm going to live or die.

I'm scared, but I must say this is the most interesting day I've had in a long time.

A new guy comes in not long after with a glass of water. He gives me a small smile, bringing the glass of water to my lips.

I know it's not the best idea to drink it, but what else can I do. Plus, let's be honest I'm thirsty. I take a nice long sip before he takes the glass away from my mouth.

He nods a me once, before turning a leaving for the door. Before he leaves, he flips the light switch off then exits the room.

It's not long before I start to feel drowsy and start slowly dosing off. They drugged me, of course they did.

All I can think about is whether or not I'm going to get out of here. Just this morning, I was fighting with my brother and laughing with my parents.

Now, I may not ever get out of here because who knows what they're gonna do with me.

That's the last thing I think about before I fade off into darkness.

Well, that was 🤔. What do you think of this mystery guy? Of course we're gonna see and find out more about him as the goes on.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Later y'all 💕

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