|6| Jealousy

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What's your favorite pass time/hobby? 📚
Mines pretty obvious. I'm either on Wattpad or reading my physical books.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!


When the man next to me removes his lips from my hand, I swear I'm about to faint. I'm blushing so hard right now, I'm probably redder than a tomato. I'm being dead serious.

He has a soft smile as he pulls away and I still can't get over the dimples that accompany it. His hair is a little disheveled, with a few black strands covering his forehead. His blue eyes sparkle a little and his mesmerizing eyes cause me to look away.

However, when I look over to the other handsome guy, his jaw is clenched as he stares at us. His usual soft gaze has hardened, as he stares down the man next to me.

"Woah, there fratello, why so angry," the man next to me says. I look over at the sound of his voice, seeing a devious smile on his face.

"Why are you in here?" the man in front of me grits out, clearly still very agitated with the man next to me. As he stays leaning forward on the desk, I can see him clenching his fists to point his knuckles are turning white.

"We got new information, dobbiamo discutere più tardi," the man next to me says. I can only understand the first part, since the rest of his sentence is in Italian. (We need to discuss later)

At this, the man in front of me nods before his gaze shifts back to me. His hard stare softens just a little bit and he unclenches his fists.

"Before we continue, I think I should know what your names are," I say to them, crossing my legs one over the other. I mean come on, I've been here for almost a whole day and I have absolutely zero clue to who these guys are.

"I'm Angelo. This is my youngest brother Ales," the man behind the desk says, gesturing to the man next to me. Dang, even they're names are hot.

"Well, my name is Sabrina," I say gesturing to myself with a smile. The guys who's name is Ales, starts laughing next to me and I frown.

"What's so funny?" I say, not getting why he's laughing. Is my hair messed up or is something on my face?

"We already know who you are. We know the identity of everyone that comes in and out of this place," Ales says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I look over to Angelo, who gives me a small tight lipped smile. I furrow my brows at him. There's a lot more to these people than they're letting on. For starters, they kidnapped me and one of them shot someone dead right in front of me.

"Anyways, we're still figuring things out. So with time you should be able to leave. For now, you have to stay with us," Ales says, standing up and extending a hand towards me. Once again, why can't I just leave?

"See, y'all make no sense. Y'all say it was a mistake but then you say you have to sort things out, whatever that means. Yet, y'all insist I can't leave now. So you both better start explaining or I'm gonna find a way out of here myself," I say crossing my arms leaning back in my chair. At this point, it's just ridiculous. I need to go home and if they won't let me go, I'm going to have to find a way out myself.

"Things are kinda complicated, amore, just trust us, ok," Angelo speaks and I turns toward him. His men kidnapped me and he wants me to trust them. Haha, he's very funny. (Love)

"You haven't given me a whole lot of reasons to trust y'all," I say as I give them a questioning look. Can I trust them? Should I trust them is the real question?

"Let us figure it out. In the meantime, you can stay in one the guests rooms," Angelo says and I look over to Ales, who still has his hand out to me with a sweet smile. I hesitantly take his hand and stand up. I don't miss the dark look Angelo gives his brother as we make our way to the door.

"Ales will show you to your room and a maid will be up with some food soon," Angelo says, as he stands from his desk. He try's to give me a reassuring smile but I can tell any sort of emotion like that doesn't come naturally to him. It looks like he's trying though.

I give him a small smile back, as I head out the door with Ales. He leads the way as we walk through the endless halls of the place. It's gigantic. If I do try to get out on my own, it's going to be incredibly difficult because I have no idea where I am. We finally come to a stop in front of a set of white double doors. He opens them and gestures me inside. When I walk in, to say I'm blown away is an understatement.

The room is massive, with a huge queen size bed. It has a beautiful bay window, covered in pretty lace curtains. A huge tv is mounted on the wall by the door. I also notice doors on the other side of the room. I'm assuming one is a closet and the other is the bathroom. In the corner of the room, sits a small table with two chairs with fluffy white pillows. The whole room is simply gorgeous and I don't even realize I'm just standing there until Ales lets out a small chuckle beside me.

"You like," he says gesturing to the room and I nod with a smile. "I picked out the decoration because I have impeccable taste. If I would've let Angelo do it like he wanted, it would be bland and dark and boring like him," he says and I let out a small laugh. I will admit, I like this Ales guy.

"You did an amazing job, its beautiful," I tell him as walk further into the room. I don't know how much longer they plan to keep me, but with a room like this it might not be so bad. It's so beautiful even with the lighting from the ceiling light, so imagine how it's going to look in the early morning.

"Well, after everything you've been through today, I'll let you get settled," Ales says, smiling softly as he turns to leave.

"Oh and don't use up all of my fancy soaps. I come grab some from time to time and they're very expensive and hard to get," he says and with that he's out the door closing it behind him.

I shake my head, as I immediately head to the bathroom. I wouldn't dare lay on that beautiful bed without showering first. I guess I'll just freshen up as I wait for whoever to bring some food up. This might not be so bad.

I don't know about y'all but my favorite so far is Ales.

Also, there is no live triangle at all in case you were wondering.

Let me know your thoughts.

Later y'all 💕

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