|39| No Stressing

223 9 24

Who is an artist that you will listen to anything they put out? 🎶🎤
I don't have one, I like a whole variety of music.

Enjoy the chapter!


It's been a few days since we found out that their mother, who's name I learned is Francesca, was taken. Also since we found out that Matteo was killed.

I'm worried for their mom but I don't know how to feel about their dad. He's the reason I'm in the shape I'm in now. He was rude on every single occasion we came in contact, so I don't really feel any sorrow towards him.

I don't even know how Angelo, Lorenzo, and Ales are processing this. I don't know the kind of relationship Lorenzo and Ales had with their dad. But from what Angelo has told me so far about his relationship with him, I don't know if he's upset or if it doesn't bother him at all.

I haven't had the chance to talk to him much the past few days. Him and his brothers have spent basically day and night planning things out. I completely understand that though. If that was my mom, I would be doing everything in my power to find her and get her back.

I'm currently sitting on the bed, when a knock sounds at the door. I look up to see their grandma walking in, carrying a bag of stuff. "Hello, dear," she says, walking further into the room. She sits on edge of the bed, setting her bag on the floor beside her.

"Hi," I say, smiling softly at her. I don't know why she's up here. I didn't think Angelo would approve of anyone being up here in his room. But his grandma does what she wants, so I guess it doesn't matter.

"How are you feeling?" she ask, which I just simply shrug. Better but I'm still sore. Im just glad the stitches are healing nicely.

"Good for the most part," and she nods her head. "Everything is healing good," I tell her.

"I know you're worried about the situation and Angelo," she says, causing me to look at her. She knows everything it seems like.

"I'm worried about their mom. And Angelo is stressing himself out so much," I tell her truthfully, my voice cracking slightly.

She takes my hands in hers. "Everything is going to be ok. I raised a tough cookie. I know she's fine. Angelo and the boys are going to be ok. So it's you who needs to stop stressing," she rubs my hands softly.

I nod because she's right. Things will be fine. Instead of stressing, I need to stay positive for them. "You're right," I nod my head at her.

"I know I am," she smirks at me. I laugh and she joins in. When we finish our fit of laughter, she stands up.

She hands me the little gift bag she brought with her. "What's this?" I ask, taking the bag out of her outstretched hands.

"I'm not going to tell you. That's why you open it to find out," she states the obvious.

I place the bag in my lap and I begin opening it. I look inside, pulling out a small red box. I open it up to see a gorgeous ring. In the center is a very small diamond and I just look at in shock, trying to find the words to say.

"This was my ring when I was younger," she starts off. "I'm old, so I wanted to pass it on. I think your the right person to give it to," she says, smiling fondly at the ring in my hands.

I go to slide it on my index finger, looking at her for confirmation. She nods, smiling happily at me. I slide it onto my finger and I love how it fits perfectly. "Thank you," I look up at her, then back down to admire it reflecting in the light.

"Don't mention it. I know it's in good hands," she waves a hand at me. She walks over to the door. "I'll keep check a check on you," and with that, she walks out the door.

I look back down at the ring, just to simply admire it. I don't take my eyes off it till I hear someone else walk in. I notice it's Angelo and I give him a smile, which he returns.

"I see my grandmother came to see you," he sits at the bottom of the bed.

"Yeah, thanks for letting her come up here," I tell him happily.

"I didn't. She came up here herself. Said she can do whatever she wants," he shakes his head laughing. His grandma is something else. "I just wanted to check on you. I'm sorry I haven't been taking care of you like I said I would," and I see him frowning a little.

I get out the bed now that it's much easier, going to sit beside him. "It's ok, Angelo," I say, placing a hand on his thigh.

He pulls me into his lap, kissing me deeply. The kiss speaks silent words between the two of us. Reassurance that things are going to be fine. When we pull away, I put my forehead against his. He rubs soft circles on my lower back.

"Thank you, amore," he whispers to me. I place a kiss on his forehead, before pulling away.

I know this is probably a sore subject but I want to know how he's feeling about it. "How are you feeling about your father?" I ask him.

He blows out a long breath before speaking. "I honestly don't know," he takes a deep breath. "I don't know if I should feel sad or simply not care. We never had the best relationship and after what happened to you...," he trails off.

I put a comforting hand on his, telling him I understand, that he doesn't need to continue. He silently turns to me and his eyes tell me how much he appreciates it.

There's a knock on the door before Lorenzo peaks in. "Lucas will be here an hour," he says and Angelo nods at him. Lorenzo gives me a curt nod before turning and leaving.

"Who's Lucas?" I question. I've never heard his name come up before. He must be coming to help them with the Vincent situation.

"He's my childhood best friend. He's going to help us get our mom back. And he's going to help us take care of Vincent and Alexia," he says. That's great but I can't help wonder about Jacob.

"What about Jacob? You're not gonna kill him too, are you?" I turn to look at him.

I know my brother has done some bad things. Who am I kidding, worse than just bad. But I don't how would feel if they killed him. How my parents would take it.

"I'm going to be honest. If it comes down to it, than yes," he says, seriously. He squeezes my hand comfortingly.

I stand up and head to the door. "I understand Angelo. But it's still hard to accept. I don't blame you and I'm not upset at you, ok," and he nods his head. "I just need a moment," I tell him.

With that, I leave the room and head for my next favorite place besides the library. When I get off the elevators, I go straight to the garden. My chest feels heavy, so when I walk outside the cool air relaxes me. I take a deep breath, feeling my chest loosen a little.

Why couldn't Jacob have a normal job? Why did he get involved in this in the first place? He's not even on the good side of things. Well, is there really a good side in a mafia situation?

I'm starting to get a headache from all this stress. I'm rubbing my temples when an idea comes to mind. It might not be the best idea but I need to do it. I'm going with them.

They're still planning things, so in the meantime I can prepare myself. I need to go with them. They need to sort things with Vincent and Alexia. I need to sort things with Jacob.

I'm highly aware that this is dangerous. I'm highly aware that I could be killed. I definitely don't want to mess things up like last time. So the best thing I can do is prepare.

Angelo is probably going to fight with me on every inch of this matter but I don't care. I'm going to train and I'm going with them. Whether they like it or not.

Such a sweet interaction with the grandma and the fact that she gave Sabrina her ring. Is it smart of Sabrina to go with them? 🤔 What are your thoughts and I hope you like this chapter.

Later y'all 💕

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