|16| Nothing

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I hope you're having a good day and doing well. ❤️

Enjoy the chapter!


When I finally make it back to the house, guards are out patrolling the whole area. This has to be Vincent. There's no doubt in my mind that its him. I find it suspicious that he would strike while I'm not at the house though. Unless, he didn't know I wasn't home at the time.

I rush into the house, in search of my brothers. After searching for some time, I make my way into the living room. Lorenzo and a few of my men are standing around the living room. I look to the couch and there lays Ales, awake but breathing shallower than normal. He has a bandage wrapped around his side. I make my way over to him, nodding at Lorenzo as I pass. As I get closer to Ales, I notice the sweat beads on his forehead and the heavy breaths he's taking.

"Ales, how are you doing," I ask him. Why did I ask him that? He just got shot, he's obviously not doing well. He blinks open his eyes at the sound of my voice.

"Angelo...is t-that you," he ask me in a raspy voice. He squints at me, like he's trying figure out if it's really me or not. He reaches his hand out, touching my face. He better stop before he gains another bullet wound.

"Yes, it's me," and he slowly nods his head. I look at Lorenzo, who just shakes his head at me. He mouths 'dramatic ass' at me and I fight the urge to laugh.

"I don't h-have much longer, Jello," he says and I roll my eyes at that stupid nickname. Last time he called me that, was when we were teens. It ended up with us fighting and beating each other senseless.

"I n-need to k-know one thing before I go," and I lean in closer to hear what he has to say. "Did you and Sabrina get it on tonight," he says as he takes a dramatic gasp of air. This fucking idiot.

"I'm so fucking done with you," I get up from kneeling beside him. I here him start laughing, which turns into groans of pain as he begins to clutch his stomach.

"Vincent and his men attacked us. Which I'm sure your already aware of," Lorenzo speaks up.

"Yeah, I figured," I walk over to him. "Why attack when I'm not here though. He's been trying to kill me for years," I state running a hand through my hair.

"He's planning something. This was just a message," he says before sauntering out the room. He's right. Vincent was just sending a warning. He has much bigger things in store for us. Particularly me.


It's been hours since Angelo left. He hasn't came back and I start to worry a little. I know he's probably fine, and his main priority is making sure Ales and everyone else is safe. I've just been sitting here chatting with Angelo's grandma until he returns.

"So. How did you and Angelo meet?," she asks me, looking at me suggestively. Oh, if only she knew the truth of it.

"We, uh, met at a bar," I try to sound convincing. "And we really hit it off," I say and she nods her head. I know she won't buy that. She seems like the type of woman to not let anything get past her.

"You're funny," she laughs a little. "Now, cut the shit. How did y'all really meet," she says turning fully serious.

I knew that wouldn't get past someone like her. She has that look, the one that seems like she knows everything about you. All the way down to your darkest secret. It's kinda scary, if I'm honest.

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