|11| The Mole

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No question or would you rather for this chapter. I just wanted to say that you are amazing! ❤️

Enjoy the chapter!


I'm still extremely pissed from earlier as I sit on the couch in the corner of my office. I'm on my second glass of scotch, trying to wash down some of that bitter feeling. Our lunch outing was completely ruined because of that bitch Stacy. I should've got rid of her sooner, for all those times she tried to touch me and because she's basically annoying.

I finish downing my glass, just as Lorenzo walks through my office door. He doesn't have his usual smirk on his face, so assume he has something serious to tell me. He picks up a glass and pours himself some scotch as well, taking a seat right next to me on the couch.

"Ho novita," he says taking a sip from his glass. I straighten up, anticipating what he has to say next. Hopefully, it's more information on Vincent and whatever he's planning. (I have news)

"We know how Alexia, escaped," he downs the rest of his glass, setting it on the table. This wasn't the news I was expecting but any new information helps.

"Vai avanti," I say setting my glass on the table as well. I don't even know how my men managed to mess up this bad. Let Alexia get away and kidnapped Sabrina. At least they won't be able to mess up anymore. (Go on)

"That mole, we have. Has been working with her and helped her leave the country," he says pouring another glass. "We also figured out who it is," taking a sip of his drink. I'm so fucking glad because I'm going to torture that fucker with in a inch of his life.

"Chi," I say through clenched teeth. Whoever it is, I'm going to have them begging for mercy, wishing I would just outright kill them instead.

"Vincent's right hand man, Jacob," he gets up walking to the window. "They said he was dead but he's been right under our noses all this time, working with Alexia," he says. Damn it.

All the different mafia families all got word that Vincent's right hand man had died. They had an open casket funeral and everything. Which was all coy to make everything more believable. I knew we should've made sure that bitch was actually dead.

"He's already gone. He knows his cover is blown," he says still staring out the window, blowing out a ragged breath. "He was disguised as a guard. Changed everything about his appearance, probably all the way down to the size of his balls," he comes back to sit down beside me.

Everything is just fucked up. He was right there the whole time. As a mafia don, I shouldn't have let this happen. I should've been smarter then this and now someone is probably gonna pay for the mistakes I made. I get up, to frustrated and pissed to continue this conversation. I make my way out my office, heading to the garden. When I finally get outside, I take a deep long breath trying to calm myself.

I hear faint footsteps behind me and turn to see Sabrina standing there. Her beautiful curly hair is damp and she's wearing a silk pajama night set. She comes to stand beside me, as I continue to stare at the retreating sun in the distance. When she stops beside me and looks at me with those gorgeous eyes, I feel myself relax a little.

"Hi," she says finally speaking up. "I saw you standing out here, so I thought I would come check on you," she shifts from one foot to the other. I realize she's probably cold, so I grab her hand gently leading us both inside. We get inside and I close the doors behind us. I lean against the wall with my head pressed to it, blowing at a long breath.

"I'm fine, just having work troubles," I say turning to her, trying my absolute hardest to give her a reassuring smile. Oh for fucks sake, I probably look constipated.

"Do you want to talk about it?," she says as she comes a little closer. Talk about it? I would love to let out all my problems but I can't for obvious reasons. As much as I want to tell her, she can't know a thing about what I do.

"Like you would understand," I say before I realize how rude that sounded. I regret it immediately when her smile drops and her eyes narrow at me. Damn it, I fucked up. I shouldn't have said that. After everything she's been through the last two days, she not once been rude or bitter towards me.

"What's that supposed mean?," she says as she continues to come closer. "What is it that you do, that I wouldn't understand? I'm not the brightest about a lot of things but what wouldn't I understand," she continues to push until she's right in front of me. I should find her a little intimidating but I actually find this sexy as hell.

"Listen. I'm sorry, I just prefer not to speak about it, ok," I say trying to smooth things over. The look in her eye still tells me she's buying whatever shit I'm spilling to her.

"No you're not gonna dismiss me like that," she says poking me in the chest. She pulls back and holds her finger mumbling 'damn it, that hurt', before she continues to speak.

"Does it have something to do with the fact that y'all are holding me hostage here," she tries to push me but I don't budge. She thinks we're holding her hostage? Well, I mean we kinda are.

"Sabrina, calm down," I try to reason with her but she won't listen. She continues to ramble off and I honestly can't listen to it no more.

I grab her by the arms and push her against the wall, pinning her with my body. She shuts up, definitely not expecting what I just did. I bring my forehead to hers in attempt to slow my breathing. The things that this girl does to me is unreal.

"Can you just please let me go," she says with all the fight in her gone. I trace my finger down the side of her face. So beautiful.

"You're making it very hard to, amore," I say as I crash my lips onto hers. I can tell she's surprised at first because she stays frozen, unmoving at all.

When she finally understands what's happening, she starts to reciprocate the kiss. She starts to move her lips against mine just as aggressively. She brings her hands to my hair and tugs on it gently. I groan into her mouth and she lets out a small moan in response.

Her lips feel amazing against mine. The way our bodies are pressed together, feels absolutely perfect. I wish I could stay just like this forever, with her against me and her lips on mine.

We both finally pull away, both needing to catch our breaths. Her plump pink lips are swollen and pink from this kiss. She stares at me in shock, like she can't believe I just did that. I honestly can't believe I did that either.

Reality comes crashing down on me when I realize what I did. I shouldn't have kissed her. I don't regret it but I can't let nothing happen between us. It's not safe for her here and I some point she has to leave.

I back up a little as she continues to look at me with the pretty eyes. I just can't right now. Without another word I turn and walk off, leaving her there by herself.

Well, we now know who the mole is. 🫣

And Angelo and Sabrina has their first kiss! ❤️

But he left her, what an ass. 😐

I'm excited for next chapter! I hope you are too!
Hope you enjoyed!

Later y'all 💕

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