|7| Feelings

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What's your favorite book? 📚
I would have to say mine is Ignite Me from The Shatter Me series. Aaron Warner has my whole heart. ❤️ lyhfml


It's been about hour since Sabrina and Ales left my office. I pace around, waiting for Ales and Lorenzo to comeback so we can discuss everything that's going on. I'm stuck in my thoughts as a pace. All I can think about is Sabrina. She's been stuck in my thoughts for the better part of my day and I can't get it to stop.

Not to mention, I'm still pissed at the little game my brother is playing. Ales knows what he's doing. He's always been a flirt with the women and men. It seems Lorenzo's not the only one who's catching on with how I'm acting towards Sabrina. Ales has caught onto it as well and he's trying to get a rise out of me.

I've never been this gentle towards anyone before. The only person I show at least an ounce of softness towards is my mother. Even though I hated the entire situation with Alexia, I still care for my mother. My father was always extremely harsh with me. In his words, it was to prepare me to take over the mafia. Our relationship is pretty strained. It's hard to forgive him when he's hurt me for the better part of my life. Not only mentally but physically.

Lorenzo and Ales finally come barging in like the idiots they are. They're both laughing about something, being carefree like usually. I've never been one to join in on their fun. When we were younger, while they spent most of their time playing around being kids, I was training. My father pushed me harder and harder everyday, trying to make me as strong as possible, so he says. I guess that's why I take things so seriously. I've never known the true extent of just letting loose and being care free.

"We finally got one of those idiotas to speak," Lorenzo says, taking a seat in one of the chairs. Ales sits next to him and I sit behind my desk gesturing from him to continue. Hopefully, it's useful information. We don't know when they're planning another attack. (Idiots)

"We have a mole," he says leaning back in his chair. "Vincent, was able to get one of his men in. They're working undercover. No clue who it is. Everyone checks out," he continues, sighing in frustration. This was the last thing we needed, a fucking mole. Telling him every fucking thing we're doing.

"And no idea who it could be," I say through clenched teeth. They shake their heads and I slam my hands down on my desk. "Cazzo," I shout as I place my head in my hands. If it's not one thing, it's a million fucking things.

"We're gonna try to get more information, that's all we got for now," Lorenzo says. But then he starts grinning like a bitch. This is serious and this motherfucker is smiling.

"Why the fuck are you smiling, this isn't a joke?" I tell him, standing up with my fist clenched. It's taking all I can not to punch him in his face. Maybe, I can re break that nose and jaw of his. He can't never take shit seriously.

"Oh nothing, I just heard that the señorita we kidnapped is going to be staying here for a bit," he says, still smirking. He leans back in his chair, getting comfy and I know he's not going to let it go.

"What about it?" I respond nonchalantly, walking over to the window. I put my hands in my pants pockets and stare out the window. I wonder what would happen if I threw him out...

"I know you're going to be plotting my death for saying this," he trails off with his signature smirk plastered across his dumb face. "You're falling in love, to the point where you can't get up," he finishes as he shakes he head.

Ales starts laughing and I send him a glare, making him instantly go quiet. What they are saying is absolute bullshit?

"Cazzate," I tell him, shaking my head. I'm sick of them and they're stupid assumptions. I don't love her and I never will. (Bullshit)

"Oh, please. No one's buying your shit either," Ales says coming to stand by me. "You were about to rip my head off for just looking at her earlier. Not to mention your head was smoking when I kissed her hand," he continues, shaking his head.

I stare daggers at his head, before turning and facing the window again. Their words may hold a little truth, but I would never admit that to them. I won't never give my siblings the satisfaction that they might by right.

I'm not in love with her though. I can't be in love with someone I've only met less than twenty four hours ago.

"Well, fratello. We'll leave you to your whipped thoughts," Lorenzo say's, standing from his chair. Him and Ales make their way to the door whistling and laughing.

Once they're out the door, I wait a couple of minutes before heading to my room. When I get inside my room, I close the door removing my shirt. It's been a long day like usual, so I just want to shower and sleep. Before I go to the bathroom, I realize I haven't checked on Sabrina. I put my shirt back on and as I get ready to walk out the door, my phone starts ringing.

"Chi, e," I say as I put the phone to my ear. I swear if it's my men calling me once again with more bullshit, I'm going loose it. (Who is it)

"Hey, baby. I know you miss me," the voice on the other end says. I know that obnoxious, high pitched voice. Alexia.

"Why the fuck are you calling me?" I say through clenched teeth. This bitch has the audacity to call me after everything she's done. After she sold our secrets, then completely left the country and went off the grid.

"I just wanted to see how things were going," she says and I can hear her smile on the other end.

"Cut the shit, what's the real reason?" I ask, getting more frustrated by the second. I don't have time for her stupid games.

"You know. We could've been happy. I wouldn't have had to do what I did, if only you listened to your parents," she says giggling a little. "We could've been happy and married. You choose not to, so now you have to face the consequences," she finishes up with a laugh.

I'm gripping my phone so hard, that I can feel it bending slightly in my hand. I'm about to respond, when the line goes dead.

"Cazzo," I chuck my phone across the room. It shatters against the wall but I could really care less right now.

I can't stand her and her stupid mind games. She really is delusional if she thought me and her ever had a chance.

When my men told me that they lost track of her and all contact, I knew it was too easy. That she wasn't done and was planning something bigger. She could be anywhere and we have no leads, nothing. I can't imagine what shit she's already planning.

It looks like we're finally hearing something from Alexia. 👀

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, what do you think is going to happen next?

Later y'all 💕

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