|4| Under Attack

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What's your favorite tv series? 💻
Personally, I can't decide between Stranger Things and Cobra Kai.

I need some tv show recommendations.


I slowly start to wake up, trying to adjust my eyes. The first thing I notice when they adjust, is a man standing in front of me. Upon this realization, I quickly become alert as I stare at him. All I can think is. Damn he's hot.

He seems to be over 6ft, jet black hair, and beautiful green eyes with a sharp jaw. Don't even get me started on his body. Big muscular arms that bulge through his black button up. I can see part of a tattoo sticking out above his collar bone, creeping onto his neck. His sleeves are rolled up to his forearms. One arm is completed with a sleeve tattoo but both hands have tattoos on them. His rings glint in the light as he stretches his hands out.

He stares at me and I stare back because one thing my brother told me is that you can't show weakness. Even if you are afraid, you can't show whoever you're up against that you are.

"Wow, why are you all hot as shit," I blurt out without thinking. I'm so stupid. My mom always told I had a big mouth and if I didn't watch it, it was going to get me in trouble. In this case, it will probably get me shot.

However, I don't miss when his slips quirk up slightly in a small smile. It's so faint that I might be imagining it. He is simply beautiful and this might sound weird but I could stare at him all day. I'm shocked when a rich deep voice speaks up and I realize it's coming from him.

"It seems their was a little bit of a mix up," he says as walks further into the room standing in front of me. I have to strain my neck to look up at him because he's so tall.

Hold on. A mix up. This is more than a mix up, I got kidnapped.

"No, sir. This is more than a mix up. A mix up is them accidentally giving you someone else's order at a drive through," I tell him in disbelief. I was abducted and he's just gonna call this a simple mix up. Think again.

He nods as he slowly starts pacing around the room. Even though he's hot, he's kinda scary. He has a dominating presence to him, that I'm not so sure I'm wanting to cross. He could literally kill me at any moment, just like that other guy did to that younger boy.

"You have no idea where you are do you?," he says as he shoves his hands into his pockets as he continues to walk around the room. When he walks right by me, I can make out the veins on his forearms. Oh my gosh. How can someone be so hot.

"Well, this don't look like my workplace or my house. I'm also pretty damn sure this ain't no store or restaurant....so no," I say shifting in my seat. I got no ass and this chair is starting to hurt my butt.

I have never had a big butt, yet I have small size cups. My best features about myself are my greenish brown eyes and long eyelashes. People have always told me I had pretty eyes and beautiful long lashes, so I do have something to feel good about.

"Have you seen anything you shouldn't have," he says as he stops right beside me. Besides someone getting shot, absolutely not.

"Oh just the man who came in earlier shot someone," I shrug my shoulders. He looks at me for second, probably because of my nonchalant reaction.

"You're not fazed at all?," he says still giving me a questioning look.

"Not really. I read about this stuff all the time. It's the same just instead of reading it, I watched it happen." I mean it's true, I read about stuff like this. I love me a good romance or thriller book.

I've always had a love for reading. When I'm not working, I'm either eating, reading, or sleeping. Those are my favorite hobbies.

"Damn it, you're one weird ragazza," he slightly chuckles. There's that accent that I keep hearing everyone use. Plus, he also laughed a little. I wonder what his full blown laugh sounds like. (Girl)

I'm just just about to speak up when another boy, slightly older than the last comes running in. He whispers something to the man but I can't hear what they're saying. One, because it's in Italian.

I can see the man tense up as the boy continues to speak. He then runs out the room and the hot guy turns back to me.

"We have a problem. I'm gonna untie you and you're gonna do everything I say, si," he says as he take a pocket knife from his pocket and starts cutting the ropes off. I know very few phrases in other languages, si being one of them. (Yes)

When he's done he done he pulls out a gun and points it at my head. I stand with caution and stretch my legs. What's with these people threatening to shoot me. He nods for me to start walking and I comply. We turn down a concrete hallway and the further we go the more horrid it smells. What do they do down here.

It's not until we reach the stairs that I hear all the commotion going on the floor above us. We make it to the top of the stairs and out the door and it's nothing but chaos. People barking orders and yelling at each other. Gun shots are going off and I'm trying not to let fear take over.

"Safe room. Vicino al mio ufficio. Ora," the man yells at the guard. (By my office) (Now)

The guard nods and starts pulling me in a random direction. We were running for quite a while, or maybe I'm just out of shape. I too lazy to exercise anyways.

We come to a stop by large oak double doors and I think we're about to go through them when the guard hits one of the design panels on the wall, causing them to turn inwards. When it's open he ushers me in and I'm met with a dark room. Absolutely pitch black in here. The secret passageway has done closed and I'm just sitting here in the dark. I hate being in the dark. I don't know why but ever since I was little I've been scared of the dark. I don't have reason for being scared I just am.

I sit there for what seems to be hours before I start to drift off. I might as well sleep, I don't know how long I'm gonna be stuck in here. Heck, I don't even know what's going on.
Well things are starting going down 😳
Next chapter in Angelo's point of view, might be a little intense.

Let me know your thoughts.

Later y'all 💕

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