|43| Unbelievable

207 10 17

Do you prefer tennis shoes or heels? Or any other type of footwear. 👟👠
If I'm going to be walking a lot I wear tennis shoes but I love me some cute heels and heel boots.

Enjoy the chapter!


I've drove myself crazy because I've been calling Sabrina's phone and she hasn't answered. So I call my brother and he all he wants to do is play games. He could've at least told me if she was alright or not.

Me and Ales got done early with a meeting with one of my close buddies. Since our shipment was destroyed by Alexia months ago, we don't have as much bullets as we need. I've helped my friend plenty of times, so I'm glad he could return the favor.

Now that we have all the resources we need, we are good to leave on Friday. This isn't going to be easy. I know it isn't. But we've got to get our mom back. And we got to take care of Vincent and everybody else for good.

If we don't, one of us, if not all of us going to be killed. My family is too important to me.

Sabrina is too important to me to let anything else bad happen to her again.

When we arrive back at the house, the first place I look is our bedroom. When I walk in, I don't see Sabrina anywhere.

I know she's hiding from me. I'd bet my money that she was with Lorenzo playing along with his stupid games.

"Sabrina," I call out just to make sure. When I'm met with silence, I leave the room going to look somewhere else.

On my way to the kitchen, I pass by Lorenzo. He has a smug look on his face. "Where's Sabrina?" I ask him.

He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. I think you're both playing hide and go seek," he states evenly.

I knew she was hiding from me. The things I'm going to do to her once I find her.

I brush pass him, going into the kitchen to check if she's there. I realize she's probably not going to be out in the open.

Knowing her, she's probably found some secret room I have no idea about. I know that's pathetic since it's my own home.

I turn the corner to one of the hallways, bumping into something. Or should I say someone. I'm glad to look down to see it's Sabrina. Then I realize she's sprawled out on the floor because the weight of my body knocked her down.

I go to help her up but slaps my hands away. It's then that I notice she's been crying. Why is she crying? Who hurt her?

She stands up and walks by me without saying anything. I pull her back towards me, wanting to know what's wrong.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" I fire off questions at her.

She won't look me in the eye. "I can't believe you," is all she says. I'm confused. What did I do wrong?

She tries to move past me again but I stop her. "What did I do?" I ask her. I have no idea why she's mad at me.

"I found where your maids live," she grits out. "Where my best friend lives," and I know she's talking about Emilia.

I admit, where they stay at is not ideal. But its still something. They have a roof over their heads and they get fed. I thought that was good enough.

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