|46| Forgive Me

242 12 21

Do you prefer jewelry or no jewelry? 💍
I like wearing jewelry. I mostly prefer necklaces and sometimes rings.

Enjoy the chapter!


The car ride has been mostly silent. Lorenzo's driving and Ales is in the passenger seat talking on the phone here and there.

I've just been staring out the window, feeling Angelo's eyes boring into the back of my head constantly.

"If you're going to say something then say it. Stop staring at me like a creep," I tell him, not turning my attention away from the passing scenery outside.

I hear him clear his throat. "We need to talk about what happened," he says.

I let out small snort, turning my attention away from outside and to him. "We need to or is that you want to?" I ask him, cocking my head to the side.

He's funny if he thinks I'm gonna make this easy for him.

"I know you're still mad. I know that what I said was out of line," he sighs out.

I laugh out at his words. "Out of line? That was off the fucking radar," I turn away from him.

Ales has long got off his phone call with whoever. However, him and Lorenzo don't say anything. They understand that what's going on is between me and Angelo. I just know they're holding back their snarky commentary.

"I know and I'm sorry. You trusted me after last time and I had to say what I said and I fucked it up again," he says all at once. "What can I do?" he asks me.

I look over at him and his eyes are full of sincerity. Just like last time.

"I don't know, Angelo," I take a deep breath before continuing. "Is that how you truly felt for it to even cross your mind to say that?" I wonder out loud.

He takes my right hand that's resting on the seat in his. I'm mad at myself for not pulling away.

I guess it's just because my hand in his feels so nice.

"I don't feel that way. I have a habit of saying stupid stuff when I'm angry," he says and I almost laugh. Almost.

"It's true, he does," Ales says from the front seat.

So much for him not intervening on this private moment. Well, we're all in a car together so it's not really private if you think about it.

"You both can go back to your private moment, I just needed to say that one thing," he smiles at me through the rear view mirror.

I give him a small smile back. I know it's hard for him to be quiet for too long.

I turn my attention back to Angelo and don't think I'll be able to get over the intensity of his gaze.

Get over the way he looks at me in general.

It's not until then that I realize I'm still holding his hand. I give it a small squeeze and this causes him to crack a smile. "I'll think about it, Angelo," I squeeze his hand one more time before I pull away.

"That's all I can ask for, amore," he says, then it's quiet after that.

I turn my attention back outside because I find it enjoyable to watch all the different landscapes pass by.

"How much longer?" I ask out of nowhere.

Lorenzo glances at me through the rear view mirror. "We've been in the car for thirty minutes, we still have a couple hours," he says.

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