|18| Truth

334 21 28

What is your favorite animal? 🐻
I would say mine is a dolphin. 🐬

Enjoy the chapter!


I spent most of the day with my family. Well, with my mom and dad. Like usual, Jacob was gone the entire day. I'm sitting on my bed reading, when I hear the front door slam roughly. I guess Jacob is finally home. Whatever it was, I assume it's more important than spending time with your sister who just came back from being missing.

His room is down the hall from mine. I can hear him talking on the phone as he passes by my room. Whoever he's talking to, he sounds pissed with. I get up out the bed after I here his door shut. I wait a few minutes and quietly open my door. I sneak down to his door and sit down as quietly as possible. All hear is his muffled a voice, so I press my ear to the door.

"Angelo dropped my dumbass sister off, Alexia," and my jaw drops. One because he called me a dumbass and two because he is talking about Angelo. How does he know Angelo?

"We can't use her. He clearly doesn't want anything to do with her," he says to the person on the phone named Alexia.

I knew my brother was shady. All those random calls he would get, causing him to leave abruptly. Now, he has something going on involving me and Angelo.

"Vincent wants me to find something we can use against Angelo," he continues to talk. Who is Vincent?

"My sister might have some information. She just got back last night. I'll have to give her some time before I question her. Clearly, things with south with Angelo, so she'll probably talk," he rambles on. How does he know all this?

"Just because she's my sister, doesn't mean I won't hurt her. I'm loyal to Vincent. I'll do whatever I need to do" and my jaw drops even further. Some brother I have. I thought he cared about me.

"Yeah. It was a great shot. Not enough to kill him though," and I wonder who he's talking about. Does he mean Ales.

"Vincent wants Angelo. He said I could take my pick on the brothers," he says. So he is talking about Ales and Lorenzo.

"Yeah, I'll meet you tomorrow. I'll send you the location," and I assume he's done hung up the phone.

I get up quietly and make my way to my room. When I get inside, I search for my phone. Oh, that's right. They took my phone.

I have to let them know. I have no idea how to find them though. I don't know where that whole castle they kept me at is. Wait a second. I think I remember where Angelo's restaurant is. I recognized a couple buildings on our way there. Ugh, why do I care? I know my first thing I need to do tomorrow.


I wake up early and throw on some clothes. I need to let them know as soon as possible. I really am a good person. I could be a bitch and let this problem hit them in the face. There's another problem though. My brother is clearly going to use me for information. He doesn't care for me like I thought he did. That explains why he was so distant when I showed up yesterday. I make my way down the stairs and head for the front door. It's early, so my parents and brother should still be asleep. I'm about to open the door, when a voice speaks up from the living room.

"Where are you going so early?" Jacob says from the couch. I know he leaves early some mornings, probably for his shady business. I thought maybe, I got lucky this morning.

"Will called me in early," I say the lie running off my tongue smoothly. "I was able to sort things out with him, if you know what I mean," I give him a wink.

"That's disgusting. I don't want to know about that," he pretends to gag. "Anyways, can we talk later. After work, we can catch up. I missed you, sis. I hope you know that," he says giving me a sad smile. Nothing but lies.

"Definitely, I'll see you later," I give him a genuine smile. He gives me one of the smiles he used to give me when we were younger. I almost feel kind of bad for lying. Almost. He shouldn't have called me a dumbass and threatened to hurt me.

I rummage through my purse, looking for any scrap of cash. I have to have something in here. After looking for a few minutes, I find a dollar, some change, a empty tube of chapstick, random receipts, a half eaten meat stick, and a half eaten sucker with lint. Ew, I really need to clean my purse out. How am I supposed to pay for the bus? I can't go ask Jacob because he knows I walk to work so that would be suspicious. The bank is to far, and I don't have my phone to access my account.

Angelo's restaurant is definitely a lot further than the cafe. I can't walk that far. As much as I hate to do this, we're going to have to go see Will after all.


When I make it to the cafe, it's not very busy. There's no surprise there. The coffee taste like trash and the pastries aren't even edible. I make my way to the back and knock on Wills office door. I hear a faint 'come in' and I open the door. Will looks up from his computer and a smile takes over his face when he sees me.

"Sabina, you're ok," he gets up from his desk and comes to give me a hug. I return it, almost choking on his cheap cologne. He grabs me by the waist, pulling me impossibly closer.

"I'm sorry I missed work. I've been going through some things," I tell him put on a sorrowful expression. "I'm ok now and I came to see you. I'm not fired right," I ask him up through my lashes. He immediately shakes his head no and I know I've got him.

"Of course not," he says as he kisses me on my forehead. Please help me, that's disgusting. I smile up at him which he returns.

"I'm handling family business today, so I can't return to work until tomorrow," I tell him which is a lie. I start to reach behind him, slowly sliding the twenty dollar bill out his back pocket. That's how I knew to come here. I know Will always keeps money in his back pocket like that. I'm surprised he hasn't been robbed yet. Well he has now, by me.

"That's fine. So I'll see you tomorrow," he says with a creepy smile.

"Yes. I can't wait to see you tomorrow," I say winking at him. He trails his eyes over me and I cringe a little.

I kiss his cheek to top it off. I'm so glad I carry sanitizing wipes in my bag. I walk out his office and out the cafe. I got the money for the bus. I'm so proud of myself.

I reach the bus stop and luckily, I'm just in time for the eight o'clock bus. I get on, taking a seat in the very back. They better be grateful because I'm going through a lot of trouble for them.

I'm so disappointed in Jacob.

Can we talk about those acting skills from Sabrina though.

I hope you enjoyed and let me know your thoughts.

Later y'all 💕

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