|34| Please Don't

235 12 34

Would you rather go to a amusement park or a water park? 🎢
I'd pick the water park for sure.

Warning- There is abuse/ assault in this chapter at the end. Read at your own risk.


I wake up because the sun is in my eyes. The bed feels empty, so I look around to notice that Angelo is already gone. I rub my eyes trying to adjust them. I happen to catch a glimpse of a piece of paper on the nightstand. He must've left a note.

I reach over and grab it, unfolding it so I can read it.

Sabrina. I have a business meeting to go to this morning, which is why I'm not there. Last night was perfect, so don't wake up thinking I ditched you. I'll be back later, amore. Love, Angelo

I smile as I fold the note back up. He's right. If I wouldn't have noticed the note first thing I would have started overthinking. I tend to overthink about a lot of things.

I realize that I'm butt naked still laying in his bed. Deciding I need to get dressed, I walk over to his bathroom for a quick shower.

Then it hits me that I still need to try out his little jacuzzi bathtub. I make my way to it and start running some water. This should be relaxing. And exciting.

I get in after it's filled up and immediately groan at the feeling of the warm water. This is exactly what I needed. I don't know how long I stay in there, but once I get out I look like a shriveled up bed sheet.

I wrap a towel around me, then begin looking through his drawers. I find a new hairbrush and try to brush through my hair. My hair is extremely curly, so it gets stuck, dangling from my hair in a knot. Damn it.

I stand there and tug on it. After maneuvering it, I finally get it untangled. I try one more time to brush through it but it's no use. In frustration, I wack myself in the head and chunk the brush across the bathroom.

I secure the towel around me and go to Angelo's closet. I'm not putting last night clothes back on and I think my old stuff was destroyed. Plus, I can't just walk off of Angelo's floor in just a towel.

I decide to be brave and I open his underwear drawer. I grab a pair of boxers from a unopened box, slipping them on. Of course their to big. I hold them up, going back to the bathroom to grab my hair tie. I tie them so that their snug against me. When I go downstairs, I'm gonna find something that actually fits.

I go back to the closet and I just slip on a regular t shirt. It's too big as well, so it just drops to a little above my knee. I walk over to the mirror in his closet to look at myself. I don't look that bad, actually.

I'm startled when I hear a door slam against the wall from the bedroom. No one is supposed to be up here.

I go to Angelo's weapon drawer, pulling out one of his guns. I point it towards the closet door as I walk to it. I throw it open and start searching for the intruder. I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified.

I don't see anyone as I continue to look around. I guess no one's here. That thought is short lived when I'm put in choke hold from behind, the action causing me to drop the gun from my grasp.

"Why are you up here?" the person holding me by the neck asks. I try struggling against them but they have a tight hold.

"Who are you?" I struggle to gasp out. They tighten their hold and it's getting harder to breath.

"I'm looking for my son. I can be up here but you can't," he says. That's when I realize it's Matteo, their father who has me. "Angelo wouldn't allow you up here. So what are you doing?" his voice is starting to get louder.

I continue to struggle against his hold. "I'm staying..up here with...him," I grunt out. Dots are starting to cloud my vision and it's getting harder and harder to breathe.

He chuckles out very darkly. "Hm. I don't think I believe you. Maybe we should go all the way down stairs," he says, laughing darkly again.

My eyes widen slightly when I realize he's talking about the basement. According to Angelo, I got lucky the first time around. I don't think that would be the case this time.

He tightens his grip, completely cutting off my oxygen. I try to struggle some more but it's no use. Everything goes dark.


I grunt in agony as I slowly wake up. My head is pounding and I don't know where I'm at. My head feels like it's spinning and my throat is hurting from where Matteo choked me. Matteo.

He knows something is going on with me and Angelo. He clearly doesn't approve and I can't understand why.

I quickly look around, realizing I'm in a room similar to the one is was in when I was first kidnapped. This one however, is covered in blood stains and smells awful. I scrunch up my nose, attempting to keep myself from puking.

I drag myself up into a sitting position. My knee scrapes against the concrete and I let out string of curse words.

I was having good morning. But their asshole father just shows up, chokes me out, and throws me down here like a prisoner.

The cell door then opens, revealing a man with a scruffy beard and grown out brown hair. He walks into the cell with a evil smirk on his face. "Capo said he found you snooping," he speaks up. His accent is very heavy, so it's a little hard to understand him.

"Angelo, your real boss, allowed me to be up there," I respond.

He laughs like what I just said is hilarious to him. "I work for both, what either says goes," he says evenly. I doubt Angelo would approve of this but he's gone to a meeting right now.

"Angelo wouldn't approve of this, so let me go," I holler at him. He just laughs again and it's really starting to piss me off.

"Angelo doesn't care. You really think he gonna care that your down here," he says, and that's when I notice a chain hanging loosely from his belt.

I think all the blood just drained from my face. He didn't come to just talk. I swallow hard and he laughs even harder when he notices me staring at the chain.

He takes it from his belt and starts swinging it back and forth. "Sorry but punishment time down here happens around this time everyday. Since your down here, your apart of that schedule," he states, walking closer to me.

I'm already backed against the wall, so there's no where else to go. I curl into a ball, turning to my side. "Please, please don't do this. Please go talk to Angelo," I try to plead with the man.

It's clearly no use because he whips the chain down across my side. I holler out in pain, feeling like he just sliced right through my side. He whips it across the same spot, causing me to scream and the tears start to pour out.

I attempt scramble to the other side of the cell, but as I try to crawl away, he whips the chain across my back. Every single ounce of air gets knocked out of me and I collapse to the floor. I can't fucking breathe.

I can feel the blood seeping through my shirt. He hits me one more time across the back. I can't breathe, I'm gonna pass out. I'm barely conscious and the only thing I can hear is the sound of him locking the cell and his footsteps fading away. Then everything fades to nothing.

I'm literally about to cry right now 😓 What do you guys think of this chapter?

Later y'all 💕

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