|13| Parents

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Hello, I hope you're having a good day. ❤️

Enjoy the chapter!


I wake up to the blaring sound of my alarm. I honestly didn't get any sleep last night. All I could think about was kissing Sabrina and how I walked off. I try to tell myself it was for the best. I let it go to far. Even though it shouldn't have happened, I don't regret it all. The feel of her lips on my was indescribable.

I get up and make my way to my closet, pulling on some gym clothes. I put on some black sweats and a black tank top. I can't start my day without getting a good work out in first. After I'm dressed, I walk out my bedroom. As I'm making my way to the gym, I spot something further down the hallway on the floor. The closer I get, I finally realize it's Sabrina. What the hell?

She's laying against the wall, her head tilted back with her mouth hanging open. I can hear faint snores coming from her, as she seems to be in a deep sleep. All I can think is what is she doing out here sleeping in the hallway. I shake my head, smiling a little. What am I gonna do with this girl?

I kneel down and gently pick her up in my arms. She groans a little but shifts further into my chest, still sleeping. This girl is going to ruin me. I start to head to her room, when Ales walks out his room in his silk blue pajamas and eye mask. I give him a questioning look when he finally notices me. When he sees me, he gives me a bright smile and when he sees Sabrina in my arms it gets even bigger.

"Don't say a fucking thing," I whisper shout as I make my way by him. I can hear him snorting behind me, trying not to make any noise. I ignore it, as I continue my journey back to her room. When I get to her room, a maid is in there tidying it up. When she notices me walk in with Sabrina, she looks relieved and I wonder why. She gives me a curt nod, before exiting the room.

I place Sabrina on the bed, brushing a few strands of hair out her face. I look at her for moment, then make my way to the door closing it behind me. I realize I left my phone in my office, so I head there to grab it before going to the gym. When I get there and open the doors to my office, I'm met with my parents sitting in front of my desk deep in conversation. That's just wonderful.

"Hello, tesoro," my mom says standing up to come give me a hug. I simply return it because I've honestly missed her. I look at my dad as I pull away, who's just sitting there with his usual emotionless expression. (Sweetheart)

I walk to my desk taking a seat, as my mom reclaims hers. Since I've been ignoring my dads calls, this could go either bad or very badly. My father still hasn't said anything and I know he's pissed.

"How are things," my mom ask giving me a loving smile. She has that type of smile that even if your having the worst day, one look from her will make it better if only a little bit. She nudges my father to say something and he grunts out before giving me a subtle 'hi'.

If there's one thing about my mom and father is that he would do anything for her. If she told him to kill someone, he would do it. He might not have given me and my brothers the most affection growing up but he loves my mother. He would do anything for her and I hope one day I will be able to find someone who I will be willing to do anything for as well.

"Things have been fine," I say trying not to go into detail about things. Everything's but fine but I don't want my mom to start worrying. She always worries about what's going on in the business and with my brothers.

"Cazzate," my father says sitting up in his chair. Fuck, he's probably already heard. "Everything is but fine. I might not be the don anymore but I still know a lot of things that go on behind the scenes. So if you think you can keep these things to yourself, you're sadly mistaken," he says loosing his temper. My mom puts a comforting hand on his shoulders, trying to calm him down. (Bullshit)

"I put you in charge and what happens. We have a fucking mole, Vincent's right hand, spewing all our plans and shit. My fucking mistake for trusting you to take over things," he says slamming his hands on the table. He goes to continue but my mom puts a hand up silencing him, making him immediately shut up.

"Matteo, go wait outside. I told you not to start shit before we left the house. Go. Now," she says with her accent coming out thick and I know she's angry. With once last glance at me, he gets up and walks out the door slamming it shut. I blow out a frustrated breath, glad he's gone. I knew when I first saw them that this wasn't going to be a simple visit.

My mom stands and comes to stand in front of me. She kisses me on the forehead, giving me a sad smile. She's always there for me when my father is harsh with me. When he got mad at me as a kid and yell at me and I would stop crying. The hits I got when I didn't do something right. She was there and made me feel better.

"You're not perfect. No one is. You can and will fix this," she says putting her hand to my cheek and I lean into her touch. She strokes her thumb back and forth, just like she did when I was little.

"I will be back over soon and we're gonna actually talk, si," she says. "I got to go find your idiot brothers and see them too," she says and I smile, making her smile back. I know I'm her favorite. (Yes)

She mumbles a 'I love you' before giving me one last kiss on the head and heading to the door. When she walks out the door and closes the yelling starts. She starts firing off in rapid Italian at my father before there footsteps fade away.

At this point, I don't even give a fuck about going to the gym. I have to start planning revenge on Vincent and fixing this entire mess. I keep my moms words in mind as I get to work.

Aw, Angelo carrying Sabrina to her room. 🥰

Do you think Matteo is to hard on Angelo?

What do we think of the mom?

Like always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.

Later y'all 💕

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